Confusion Of Failed Plans

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I want to scream help me, help me
but I know it's a waste of time.
No human will every be able to catch me at this pace
I'm running away with my heart.

I'm so torn in two.
My ideas I once called my plans are now just descions waiting in no mans land.

Escaping that's the only thing on my mind,
I just need to survive.
Yes, to be stronger than the wind that tries to blow me down to my end.

I want to claim that I'm strong
but the truth is I'm weak.
I'm just another prisoner to axniety.

I've never been so shaken in my life and I feel like I just keep breaking down.
Where is the strong person I used to be?

How can I save myself If keep falling?
But up I must go,
I have to reach those stars
but some days I wonder if it's really for me or to keep them happy.

So I guess I am strong because I have done everything to prove the haters wrong and to keep the king happily on his throne.

Yet at the end of the day why am I unhappy?

Maybe I must be the slave to become the moarch worthy of following.

Someday my smile will be just for me and me only.
Yet today is not that day
as I carry my weight with me to reach the highest peak.

This is just the confusion of failed plans,
but this is not the end of finding myself.

I haven't given up on anything.

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