Ageless Time

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We didn't remember who we were
we didn't care about the scars.

Instead we were living like we had no memory of the century.
Curfew wasn't even a thing
because we were out after dark dancing in the rain.

Thunder strikes were the only thing we could see.
We didn't realize at the time,
we were making our history
but today we do as we sit looking through the window.

Time wasn't a factor in our game,
nor did we notice how fast she flew.
But now we've woke up to reality and all his rules.
Told to stay and to forget about the childish things.

Yes, we are adults now
but our soul never ages,
so we still have our spirit inside that likes to forget about the world and dance within the rain to our own beats, but each day we have to wake back up to reality.

Bills have to be paid.

Even then our childish wonder stays,
as our bodies age but our souls stay the same.

That's the one freedom
that stays,
that even time can't change.

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