I'm Ready For The Next Move

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If I only had his kiss would I be missing anything?
If I had his hand to hold would I be bold?

Would the world be melting away if I only had his presence each and everyday?
Memories would they fade and start a new?

Would these things happen if I truly already had you?
I may be unsure of these things
but I do know one thing you are the person I want to see every second of everyday.

So today lead the way,
because I'm finally not asking a billion questions
instead I'm letting you guide me into the story of two that became one in a romance that started after dawn.

I'm ready to finally find the answers to my questions,
even though I might not voice them.

Yes, I'm ready to rest my hand in your hand and be something more than just boyfriend and girlfriend.

I'm ready for the next move,
today as I say I love you.

Trio Of Wordsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن