Horror Of His Love

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Dagers savers to my skin
You told me to give my soul to you.
You left sores on my once smooth skin.

I bleed across the floor and you laughed in my face.
You smothered me with pillows,
yet you claimed you did it all in love.

I was terrifed
What were you going to do next to me?

Why couldn't you just let me go?
Why could you let me leave with my dignity?

Instead you wanted to see my pain, while you tattooed you loved me onto my skin.
Here I was breaking physically,
but not mentally and
that's why I won
when I took a swing back and ran.

I escaped,
but you never did.
I watched you be chained,
yet I still hear you calling my name.
You sick and twisted thing,
how could you still claim this was love?

Oh the horror of his love.

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