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I promised I'd love you,
I promised from the start but I wasn't the one who started hating our love in the dark.

I saw you at the bar with your hands in her hair and I knew love no longer rest in your heart.

Maybe you didn't care all along maybe I was a game to be played,
I saw it written all over your face when you smiled at me when you noticed I was in the very same bar.

My heart was broken or I should say shattered a little more because it was never whole because life had taken in its toll on me before.

You just kept smiling like we were strangers who just happened to have their eyes meet.
I should of just walked away but instead my drink landed up in your face and she just happened to step in front of me when the first punch was thrown expect she didn't know how to swing,
so there was no retaliating against me.

Now I'm sitting sipping vodka on my off days and she's just patching up her nose bleed sitting beside me.

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