I Will Escape You

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You quit listening, you changed you tune.
You walk straight out of the room and you never looked back at me.
Your eyes wasted no time by looking upon my broken wings.

Every kiss and memory didn't mean a thing to you.
We were nothing when I thought we were the Milky Way.
You used me as your little dolly.

You had me dress in certain clothes and paint my face the way you liked.
The funny thing is you even pushed away my knight.

That's when I realized I needed to save myself before I was a star that lost its light.

I slipped away in the middle of the night and as soon as I was gone you called my name asking me to come back and play.

But I was running away no matter the pain in my bare feet where the earth had been digging into my flesh.
I was escaping finally.

That's the funny thing I thought I escaped you but here you were in the same room ignoring me,
but I'm no stupid girl I knew you wouldn't let me disappear that easily even if you pretended you didn't see me.

I knew you would come back for me even though I was the tissue that you blew your nose into and threw away.

But I don't want you to return me,
my wings weren't broken from your changed tune but from the forceful grip you had on me and that I still heard you calling when I exited the room.

I knew for sure your darkness would follow me.
Like I said before every kiss and memory didn't mean nothing to you.
I thought you loved me when really my broken heart was what kept you smiling.

You are not done breaking me and I am not done running.
I will escape.

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