Letters From A Former Anorexic

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Trigger Warning!

Dear anorexia, quit shaming me for eating.
Dear anorexia, quit making me feel flawed.
Dear anorexia,  I thought we would never meet again I thought we had ended.

Dear anorexia, I deserve that one last sliver of cake.
Dear anorexia, I can't keep letting you back into my head.
Dear anorexia,  I don't want to see my ribs again.

Now dear world, do you see what you are doing to the girls like me the girls who've strived for some sort of perfection?

Now dear world, do you see how you've brain washed use all?

It's not about being skinny or without flaws.
Dear world, it's about being me and last of all dear anorexia I am free.

These are the letters I want you to see.

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