Remember Yourselves So It's To Hard To Forget.

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Remember yourselves so it's to hard to forget.
Don't let the world bend your steel into the shape they believe it needs to be.
Keep fighting to keep remembering.
You are the only person in this galaxy that can be you.

Many things will be thrown in front of you just remember the decision lies in your hand for it is your handle to decide which way it may be turned.
Discern the season and ways of man because that's what's going to help you figure out a plan.

Knock discouragement off your shoulders and stand straight again.
You are a solider of this land and it is up to you to choose which war team you will be battling with.

Don't forget this one thing as you step out into the war don't forget yourself or you'll never win,
that's why they say this battle is for the losing because many who came before fell into the mold this world has deemed fit.

That's why I say remember yourselves  so it's to hard to forget because that is the only way to truly win.

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