Oblivious To The Dark Nights

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It all starts with omitted sentences and broken hearts,
then ends with bones and blood.

Secrets held so close to a heart they've stabbed through.
Everything the darkness reaches out for.

The whispers of the night.
Fright that climbs the stairs of your skeleton.
Stories we've never heard.

All the things that happen when we are not looking but deep asleep.
It wonders down the street claiming a victim day and night.

Not a soul hears the screams or the scrapping of the metal chains.
The cries of help that seem to not be voiced.

A place where there is no help but hell.
But each day the world walks on by.
If only they could pay attention one night.

Who knows who could be freed.
But here the monster awaits in the dark alley where none are saved.
The shovels are already shuffling the dirt and the world moves on never noticing the harm that is done.

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