She's a women not your lady

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She ran away from her fate.
Her dress trailed behind her blowing in the wind as she dodged the trees
as she ran through the woods.

She fought away the tree limbs
that tried to cut her beautiful tan skin.
This was her refusal,
her very own master plan.

She wanted to make her own choices and make mistakes,
she even wanted to laugh when she fell down and scraped her knee,
but with them that's not the girl
she had to be.

They wanted a lady and a lady doesn't scrap her knee or laugh like a horse.
So here she is running away through the woods.

Fate can't hold her back.
Nor can they as she escapes.
She's a women not a doll they get to dress up and paint.

She's a wild spirit.
She doesn't follow gender roles.

They tried to make her the lead role of the play as they pulled her strings
but they didn't aspect the lead role to flee.

She's not the plastic doll society likes to see.
She's a woman, bold, brilliant and doesn't need a man unless she wants one.

Now she's escaping,
her very own master plan
taking the reins in her own hands because she is her own majesty.

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