Don't Change Me

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You couldn't change me then and you can't change me now.
Why do you try so hard to mold me? Instead why don't you hold me because what the mirrors reflecting is me.

I'm imperfect but I'm me.
I don't ask you to change,
so stop trying to change me

You can spend the rest of your entire life tryng to make me another
but I'll still be this person none other.
This is me and I'm not trying to hide a thing.

My feathers are on display with  colors of array.
So See me and take me as I am because I'm not going to change.
I'm not adaptedable nor do I
flex or bend.

This person you see is all I'm ever going to be.
So love me for my scars and don't try to cover them with foundation
for I am not ashamed, for this is who I am.

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