My story, You are worth more

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I was worth more than this.
I was worth more than my clothes, makeup and hair.
Yet nothing was good enough for me.
Slowly picking at my stomach skin and thighs.

I was more than that but society's standards were getting to me and the skinny bodies.

At one time in my life I felt like my vaule was worth more than my weight,
but anorexia was playing a game and she was just stepping up to the plate to swing.

Here I was the picther ready to toss the ball.
My hands shook and sweat lined my brow,
any confidence I ever had disappeared.
She knew at that moment she had me locked into place

It started with the small things like  holding a pillow up against my stomach to cover it from view,
then slowing it moved to eating less and less.

Next thing I knew I was working out and eating nearly nothing.
I was worth more than that.
Each day I was becoming a bag of bones.
I could count my ribs by looking in the mirror,
which didn't last for long since I became too ashamed to look at myself.

Some days I'd realize how skinny I had gotten,
but the next I was calling myself crazy because I thought I was fat.
I was worth more than that.
We all are.

One day I did see the blue sky and I was set free.
But it scares me to think some guys and gals never escape.

The moral of the story is you are worth more than that.
You are worth more than your weight, job, fashion, or any thing to be exact.

Sometimes that's all it takes to cure a mental disease,
four simple words you are worth more.

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