Do You Hear Me Little Judge

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Hear me out hear me out.
Come hear my broken tune.
Don't judge my scars or my bruise.
I can tell you a story of a survivor and
I can sing you a broken tune.
But all is well in this broken soul.

All I ask of you is to not judge by ears or by eyes
but by feeling every emotion placed within bone and thoughts.

There walk through the dark and understand the feet that once walked these gravel roads at midnight singing their broken tune.

Understand the pain behind eyes and the tears placed in eyes.
Finally understand because everyone has a story and shoes that cannot be filled.

So do not judge his or her ragged scar, you haven't walked that far in those shoes.
Now do you see past the blinders placed on your eyes why I ask you to hear me out?

Do you understamd we all have a broken story and a sad tune
we could all sing.

So why are you judging?
You haven't walked a day in these shoes or spent a day with this mind.

So hear me out.
The judgement is not up to you for you can only see what you want to believe these people have been through.

Until you walk with these feet don't be pointing fingers at human beings.
Do you hear me?
It isn't your place to tell people how to be.
Not everyone has the same fate.

Do you hear me now little judge?

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