Sometimes You're The Enemy

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Sometimes your own demon stares back at you in the mirror.
Sometimes the monster in the closet is the person in your mind.
Dark thoughts and whispers come from the unsubconcies.

Sometimes the enemy with the gun is you.
The anxiety that creeps up your shoulder,
everything that stops you from getting bolder sometimes the person who you should be afraid of is you.

That's the sad thing that our minds could turn against us at anytime like we are a clocking ticking to the explosion.
That at anytime we could burst into flames.

That every good moment could be wiped away at the snap of fingers.
This war is between you and you only.
How will you fire your gun or will you?

The last shot is not always from the one that won sometimes the winner is the first one that puts down their gun.

I'm thinking about releasing Chasing Galaxies before I finish WB. Anyone think that's a good idea? It's a book about space.
Please do share your thoughts.
Side note- in this poem when it talks about a gun its figuratively speaking not literally speaking.
The poem is about someone fighting there mental problems.

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