She Wasn't Ready For You, But Now She Is Ready For War

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Beat, beat, beat, the heart screams in many tones from anxiety to loving screams.
Everyday she is put to a test of surviving maybe things.

She took many things from me including my OCD and panic attacks but the one thing she couldn't take was you.

You stepped onto her shards and seemed mortified, she was mighty intrigued.

Yes, she thought of you as her savior of the hearts demands.
Each day you played the demon slayer and she beated happily.

Not once did she realize you were only waiting to take her shards from the floor and throw them out the door,
then shatter them even more under your feet.

She thought you would complete her but instead you were playing games to send her demons back her way.

It only took that one day to see you laugh with them and taunt her precious broken name to realize what you were doing.

Oh but what you didn't see,
oh but what you didn't see was a shattered heart can become many things,
no wonder your eyes widened when you saw her shards rise to become one thing the shatter heart that piece by piece mended back together to become the masterpiece of shattered tattered glass stuck to each other to make the glass heart of the century.

Now all will look upon her broken beauty and see nothing comes with out pain it's only the first step in healing.

At last she realized not all pain can fade but shattered glass can be heard quicker than anything in this world, for it is a scream of a story heard across nations.

She is stronger in shards because many pieces cut much more skin than any one piece can do.

She knows how to broken and whole,
but most of all without you.
Because she is the only one that could save herself from the destruction and
from what is coming.
Oh life has so much more in store but this glass heart is ready for the raging war.

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