I Was Broken But God Saved Me

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I was broken shattered on the floor.
Each day I wallowed in my past and present.
Two steps, three steps a person was down it was me.
Success it was something make believe to me,
I mean all I could see was my failures not how I was becoming better each day.

The dark thoughts came again and again settling in my brain.
Yet, still I was pushing forward placing my war torn hands upon the boulder that seemed to always be in my way, the weight was to much for me but I kept on pushing no matter how the muscles in my back screamed for me to stop.

The past had already hurt me so why should I stop?
Why should I care if it caused me what seemed to be more harm I was already shattered what else could happen to worsen the pain?

But one day the boulder moved but not just because of me but by the hands of my Creator who blessed what I put my hands to.
God blesses the ones who aren't afraid to struggle to succeed.
God makes broken hearts whole again.
For we are beautifully broken and wonderfully made.

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