My True Love

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Let me tell you one thing about loving you then let me tell you two.
I see you standing across the room and I just can't help the emotions that go through me when you smile at me.

I never thought a person could make me feel all the emotions of the emotions tree.
Even though sometimes these emotions led to fights but by the next night we are alright.

You always seem to wash every negative emotion away in the rain as we dance to its beat.
Happiness grows inside me as you hold my hand.

I wonder each day how I ever lived without a person like you in my life but I never want to know how I did ever again because I never want to lose you, my love.

You are the dove that brought peace to my inner demons and you calmed the storm raging within my atmosphere.

You are the one person I hold truly  dear.
I want you to always be here wrapped in my arms,
you are my true love.

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