There's Stress Then There's You

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You asked me if I was okay and my lungs asked me the same as I struggled to breath.
But I lied to myself again and said yes, even though the stress kills me each day.

Even though my heart goes beat, beat, beat, it seems my heart has an never ending fast speed.
But yet here I am saying I'm okay when I'm breaking into two.

At least I have you asking me questions,
because if not I don't know how long
I could hold on until I fell over and died.

My anxiety is choking me and my stress keeps walking nearer even though I'm screaming for it to stay back away from me.

You just don't know how much those pats on the back and words mean to me,
because it helps me breath and helps me have a slight break from my anxiety.

So at the end of the day I am okay because of you.
There's Stress Then There's You

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