One Day I Will Tell You Everything, just not today.

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Do you think it weird of to write such things?
Such things I can never read back to me.
Yes, even though they came from me I just can't read it,
because I can no longer be her.

Each year I became a new planted seed that can no longer look back to the forest I came from.

You ask why?
Why would I not turn my face to see the place I was once from?

Yet, I whisper back so softly,
I just can't face the things that broke me.

No, it's not because I'm in fear of the past, it's the fear of those terrible things coming back to me.

But one day you'll see me face the past that was once part of me.
I just need time to become strong.

I need the fear to fade then I'll look back towards all those things,
until then I'll keep stepping forward into this new destiny in front of me.

There's no need to really look back is there after all?

At this moment in time there is no reason to tell this story,
but one day I'm sure there will be a day in time when it needs telling,
yet that is not today and that's enough for me.

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