Forget About It, I Wouldn't Roll Back Time

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I could say everything was easier back then,
but it would be a lie.
Yes, I remember the sores that once coated my brain and sometimes try to reappear on my porcelain skin.

Even sometimes the mistakes of the past come back from me,
waiting to take me down if only they'd just understand I'm not the same,
yet there is a price to be paid.

That's why I would never roll back time to see my spirit that is now alive die again,
I wouldn't relive those days I've already learned from those mistakes and shaken partial amounts of the mental disorders away,
but even now some still rest within my restless brain.

So no nothing was easier back then,
it's just a figure of speech that scares the death out of me,
because I hope time keeps running away from the prior things.

So I'll just keep living in this time and let the past fade day by day,
because that girl was once me but not anymore.

I am now what you see,
not the character I was being then.
So I'll let the future be and to tell the truth it's never been easy,
but really when is life all but a fun game?

Because we all seem to strike out and lose in something each day,
but at least we haven't gave up playing for the win.

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