Marwa Blues

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"Prudence?!" George shouted in his room after a nightmare.

It was early morning and George was worried about Prudence. She was shy and fragile, not exactly a girl who could stand up for herself. Not sure whether to search for her or not, George asked Paul. He suggested to wait just a few more hours and then look.

He waited and waited and finally headed out. He walked passed Strawberry Field and went to Penny Land. He saw a shorter boy walking with a girl with long, blonde hair.

"Prudence?!" He called out.

The girl turned around to find the familiar face calling her name.

"George." She gasped.

"Prudence, I was worried sick." He said and grabbed her hand.

She shook his hand off and got closer to Ringo.

"Who-Who's this?" George asked nervously.

"Richard." She said. "And he's been much more of a gentleman than you've been for awhile."

George looked at Ringo who was in a nonchalant state.

"Please come back, Love. I miss you, we all miss you." George begged.

"Really? Linda missed me; she called me a slut and you think she missed me?" Prudence asked sarcastically. "Yea right."

"Paul and I miss you." He whimpered.

"Well that's too bad." She announced. "I'm with Richie now."

She looked at Ringo who gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"If you want to go back, you should." Ringo told her.

She looked at the two for a few minutes, choosing who to go with.

"Baby, please come back." George pleaded. "You're all I have now."

Ringo looked at her. "Do what you think is right."

"Thanks for everything Ringo, but I think I'll give this guy one more chance." She said.

Ringo nodded and kissed her cheek. "Come back whenever you need to."

She nodded and left with George.

"Prudence, forgive me. I'm so terribly sorry; I didn't want to say all of tha-" He was interrupted by Prudence's lips on his.

"I missed you too." She smiled and hugged him.

George pulled her head to his and swore to her that he would never hurt her ever again. She heard his apologies whispered in her ear.

"I thought I lost you for good." He nearly cried. "I love you. I love you. I love you."

George hurried home with her and Paul was delighted that she was home.

"Prudence!" He shouted and ran to Prudence. "I thought you were gone." He said and kissed her forehead.

Prudence smiled at him.

"C'mon, Love. I'm sure you're starving." George called to her from the kitchen.

Prudence followed him. She wrapped her arms around his waist while he was making her some lunch.

"Hey little girl." He acknowledged her in his thick accent.

"I'm only two years younger than you." She teased and kissed him.

"Yea and that makes you my little girl." He joked and spun her around.

They took their lunch to their room and ate on the bed.

George got something from his drawer.

"Will you take this back now?" He asked nervously as he held out the bracelet he had given her before.

She gladly put her wrist out to him and he put it on her.

"There." He smiled.

George pulled out a pack of cigarettes and began to light it when Prudence asked him to not smoke.

"Oh, I'll go outside if you don't want the smoke in here." He apologized.

"I don't want the smoke at all." She announced.

"What?" He asked.

"I don't want you to smoke anymore." She told him.

"You don't expect me to stop, do you?" He asked.

She nodded.


"You already have lung cancer." She said.

"Oh c'mon..." He began to say.

"Please." She begged.

"Fine. Just not now." He said and put the cigarette in his mouth.

She sighed.

"Will you stop soon?" She asked nervously.

He nodded. "Why are you so worried about this now anyways?"

"I don't want to lose you." She said sadly. "I've never been this close to anyone, not even my own family."

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere." He told her.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Because..." He trailed off.

"See, you don't know."

"I can stop when I want to." George said, shrugging her off.

"But you're just hurting yourself!" She exclaimed.

"None of your business, Prudence!" He screamed back at her.

"You're just gonna kill yourself!" She shouted and had a meltdown.

"Get it together!" He shouted at her and let the smoke from his mouth go towards her face.

"I'm just trying to help you!" She shouted.

Paul ran in hearing the shouting.

"George!" He yelled at him before George was about to smack Prudence.

Prudence ran over to Paul and his behind him.

"Prudence!" George cried out, realizing what he had done.

"Leave me alone!" She shouted out and let Paul take her out of the room.

George looked blankly at the closed door and threw the cigarette at the ground.

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