In Spite of All the Danger

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Liz was slowly recovering from all of John's abuse. George had her stay I bed for several days. They bruises slowly turned from blue to brown and her cuts started to get smaller. George always asked her how she was first thing every morning. Her reply had been "alright" for the past few days but today she didn't answer.

"Lizzy? Are you alright, Love?" George asked concerned.

Liz looked at him and George knew. He knew what Liz had done.

"Oh, Love, not again!" George said with his lips beginning to tremble.

Liz began to tear up and she hated herself even more. George realized she was about to cry so he didn't Ben bother to see the cut, instead he just embraced Liz as much as he could and didn't let go. Liz wrapped her two, scar-covered arms around George. She pulled and twisted at his shirt. George put his head on her collarbone and gave her kisses in her neck.

"Lizzy. You need to get your mind off if all this stuff." George said.

"How?" She said in a whimpering tone.

"We're gonna go on a real date. Outside, on the pier."

Liz nodded a bit hesitantly.

George notice her fear and assured her that it would be lovely.

Liz got a sweater on and some ripped, skinny jeans. George put on a tight- fitting t-shirt and a leather jacket over it. He got some leather pants as well.

They went hand in hand to the car and drove to the pier. They arrived after the 20 minute car ride and headed out into the chilly air. George had his arm around Lizzy's waist and Lizzy had her arm around his. George was tall enough that Liz's head could rest on his shoulder.

They arrived at the cafe and sat down at a little table. They looked at the menu.

"What would you like, Love?"

"Maybe some soup..." Liz said.

"Is everything all right?" George asked, noticing her uneasiness.

"Mhm..." Liz said glancing over George's shoulder.

George turned around to where Liz was looking. Of course, he was here.

"Liz, we don't have to eat her." George said.

Liz looked at George with terrified eyes.

"Okay, that's it; we're leaving." George got out of his chair, and helped Lizzy get out of hers. George apologized to the waiter and cancelled their orders.

Liz found George's hand and held it extremely tight. Instead of telling her to loosed her death grip on his hand, George kissed her on the cheek and told her everything was going to be alright. She nodded and they went to another restaurant. They ordered their food again and were served rather quickly. They were about done with their meal when the waiter asked if they were ready for the check. George nodded and thanked the waiter while Liz looked out the window. A man was passing buy with a guitar case in his hand. He looked over to the window of the restaurant and the two locked eyes. Liz was staring into the eyes of the man who abused and beat her. The man gave her a wink and continued walking. Liz looked at George and George knew. He calmed her down and said that they'd leave as soon as they paid. Liz moved to George's side of the booth and wrapped herself around him. George ram his fingers through her hair and tried to relax her.

"Love, we'll be out soon; just relax." George whispered into her ear. Liz kissed him on the lips and continued hugging him. George paid the waiter and they left.

They were hurrying to the car when someone grabbed George's shoulder and turned him around.

"It's time to settle this, Harrison."

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