Ticket To Ride

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"John... I don't know what to say, I'm flattered but I'm already with someone." Liz explained.

"Lizzy, don't you think you should get away from George every now and then?" John asked.

"First of all I'm not with George anymore and second of all how dare you say something like that about someone who is giving you a place to live!" Liz shouted.

"Wait you're not with George anymore?" John asked.

"No...I-I'm with...Paul." Liz admitted.

Before either of them could say anything else George came in.

"Hello, Love." George said as he kissed Liz on the cheek. "Hey, John."

"I thought you and Liz were over?" John asked slyly.

"What are you talking about?" George asked confused.

"Didn't Lizzy tell you? You two are through, she's moved on. Or at least, that's what she told me just before you came in here." John said as a devilish grin appeared on his face.

"Is...is this true Lizzy?" George asked, tears flooding his eyes.

"George, I was gonna tell you, I just didn't want you to feel like it was your fault. And it's not your fault!" She explained.

"I...I can't believe it. I'm done with you Liz. You're cheating on me again." George yelled as a tear fell down his face.

"At least tell me who it is now." George asked desperately.

"Paul." Liz said.

"Well then what happened between John and Paul?" George asked confused.

"We're through. I dumped Paul for Liz but it turns out she was already with someone, my ex-boyfriend." John said angrily.

"You fucking slut!" George shouted.

Liz was so shocked at this, George had never said anything like that to her.

"George, let me-" Liz tried to talk.

"Just get out of here!" George cried.

"And you can go back to your house now! And take Paul with you!" George shouted.

"Are you kicking me out?" Liz began to cry.

"I suppose I am and Paul too! So just get out of my life, Lizzy!" George screamed.

"George!" Lizzy shrieked.

"I said get out!" George yelled.

Liz ran out of the room and ran to Paul who was waiting.

"Lizzy, what happened?" Paul asked worried.

"I wanna go home!" She cried.

"Alright, Love. C'mon." Paul said as he put his arm around her shoulder and took her home.

The two got back to George's house, they packed their things and Liz left her spare keys on the table. They went back to Liz's house and moved into Liz's room.

"Doesn't even feel like home anymore." Liz said sadly.

"It will soon, Honey. Once we get settled and just start over." Paul said.

Liz liked the idea of starting over and just forgetting everything else. But she missed coming home with George and spending the nights with him. And Paul missed sleeping with John. They missed being a happy family, under one roof.

"I forgot my ukelele." Liz said.

"I'll buy you a new one, Liz. I nicer one since you're getting better. And I'll teach you." Paul said happily.

"Thanks, Paul." Liz said.

"Anything for you."

"I suppose you're home alone most of the time?" Paul asked.

"Yea my parents travel almost constantly for their jobs so they only come home once every few months." Liz explained.

"Oh... Don't you get a bit lonely?" Paul asked.

"Sometimes...I kinda like the quiet." She explained.

"Yea, quiet can be nice sometimes."

Paul fixed his hair with his hand when Liz noticed a scar.

"Did you cut yourself?" Liz asked.

"Oh...that was a while ago. I just kinda lost control for a little bit."

"Have you cut since?" Liz asked.

"No." Paul said proudly.

"That must be nice. I've been clean for a week or two but I don't know if I'll make it today." Liz said disappointed.

"Where are all your blades?" Paul asked.

Liz told him where and Paul hid them.

"Thanks." Liz said.

"Your welcome."

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