Maggie Mae

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It had been about a week since George had begun to teach Liz the ukelele and today that's what they spent the whole day doing.

The two played little tunes together and today George asked Liz if she would do something she had never done before.

"Liz?" George asked, interrupting their playing.

"Yes, Love?" Liz replied still messing around with the strings.

"Will you sing the song with me?" George asked.

Liz looked up at George shyly, "I don't know George...I'm not very good."

"Oh c'mon no one will laugh." George encouraged her.

"Alright...but if someone laughs, I'm never singing again." Liz warned.

"Fine, fine." George said.

The two began to play Maggie Mae, a song that John had showed them. George started singing first,

"Oh, dirty Maggie Mae..." He sang and looked at Liz, wanting her to sing.

She finally joined and the two began to sing.

"They have taken her away..." George began to quiet his voice so he could hear Liz.

Liz didn't realize she had been singing alone, "and she never walk down Lime Street anymore..."

"Oh my God I sound terrible, don't I?" She asked worried.

"No." George replied.

"Then why did you stop singing?" She asked.

George just started at her in awe.

"George, tell me now or else." Liz warned.

George couldn't even form words.

"Y-y-you..." George mumbled.

"Ugh I knew I sounded dreadful!" She said upset and ran upstairs.

George quickly followed her up and opened the door she had just slammed.

"Liz, Love..." George said as he walked towards the bed where Liz was curled up in.

"Lizzy?" He asked.

She didn't respond.

George turned her over and saw her with a blade at her wrist. She had already cut once.

"Liz! Where did you get a blade from?!" George shouted.

Liz looked at him in fear.

"I can't believe you!" George screamed.

Liz began to cry even more realizing what she had done.

"Oh...Liz... There was no reason to do this." George said as he rubbed away the blood.

"Yes there was!" She replied.

"And what was that?" George asked.

"You were too scared to even tell it to my face that I sounded dreadful!" She shouted as tears fell down her face.

"Liz, there was a reason I didn't tell you that you sounded awful." George said.

"Why? You didn't want to hurt my feelings?" Liz asked in a mocking tone.

"No!" George shouted.

"Then why the hell didn't you?!" Liz screamed.

"Because, you sounded beautiful." George said as he stared into Liz's eyes.

"Wh-what?" Liz asked shocked.

"Lizzy, you're amazing." George said.

"Quit lying." Liz protested.

"I'm not lying!" George exclaimed.

"Prove it!" Liz shouted.

George grabbed Liz's hands and pulled them to his chest. He leaned in towards Liz's face and stared her right in the eyes.

"Lizzy, your voice is phenomenal. I've never heard anything like it." George said and gave her a slow kiss.

"Oh my God... You're serious." Liz said.

"Yes. Yes I am." George stated. "I'm dead serious."

Liz hugged him. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome." He said and hugged her back. He looked at her again and gave her another kiss.

"What other hidden talents do you have?" George asked, smiling.

"Mmm...I don't know. Maybe you can help me." Liz said.

George wrapped himself around her and didn't let go.

"I fucking love you, Liz." George giggled in her ear.

"I fucking love you too." Liz said mimicking him.

George touched his nose to hers and gave her another kiss. Liz kissed him back.

"You're almost as good a kisser as you are a singer." George said.

"Maybe I should get some more practice then." Liz said.

George winked. "Well first, you have to pucker your lips like this." He said as he puckered his lips.

"Then you have to grab your boyfriend by the waist." George said placing her hands around his waist.

"Then you have to lean in close." He said as he pulled Liz closer.

"And then you look into his eyes..." He said as the two locked eyes.

"And then you give him a nice, long kiss." He said.

Liz giggled and began to kiss him.

After they made out, George congratulated her.

"Not bad, Love." He laughed.

"You're not too bad yourself." Liz giggled.

The two went into the kitchen to make some lunch. They began to make some sandwiches for everyone.

Paul and John came in holding hands.

"Hey guys." John said cheerfully.

"You sound happy." Liz said.

Paul nodded. "We just finished writing another song!"

"That's great! Can we hear it?" Liz asked.

"No." Paul giggled.

"It's a surprise until later." John said.

"Oh alright..." George said.

Everyone's sandwich was ready and they all sat down at the table.

"Looks delicious!" Paul exclaimed.

"Thanks." Liz and George said simultaneously. The two giggled and kissed.

John puckered his lips at them jokingly.

"Oh like you and Paul don't do that." George said.

Paul giggled and John elbowed him.

"Oww." Paul moaned.

"Relax, cry baby." John muttered.

For some reason, this offended Paul greatly and he set his food down.

"I'm just kidding, you little wimp." John giggled.

But Paul didn't find it funny.

"Why are you calling me those things?" Paul asked worried.

"Oh stop being so sensitive." John snapped.

Paul excused himself and went upstairs to his room.

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