Every Little Thing

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It was the day of the funeral and George and John had gotten ready. John had his new suit and George used one of his brother's suits that they had left before they left home.

"Are you ready?" George asked, fixing his tie.

John nodded hesitantly, "I think so."

The two got in the car and drove to the place of the funeral. It was a very nice area, outside the flowers had bloomed and the trees were beautiful. Inside, it was gorgeous. Every little thing seemed to fit into Stu's personality.

Everyone was seated and Paul and Liz were on the opposite side of John and George. Paul and Liz were holding hands and Paul gave Liz a quick kiss on the cheek whenever she teared up.

It was John's turn to speak and George saw John's hands shaking with his cards in it. He got on the pedestal, took a deep breath and began his speech. It was all going very well until he reached one line.

"Stu, wasn't a friend to me, he wasn't even like a brother; he was my partner and I loved him and I still do. And I just can't believe...I can't believe... th-that he's..."

That's all he managed to say before he broke into tears. The teardrops fell on his cards so he couldn't read the blurred pen anyway.

Liz began to cry when she saw John cry and Paul put his arm around her to try to quietly comfort her.

John was too stunned to move. George had to get him down and try to get him back to his seat. John's head fell into George's lap and bawled.

The ceremony finished and George tried to get John home. John told George he was gonna go somewhere for a little and that he wanted to be alone for the rest of the day. George said it was perfectly fine and let John have a little break.

George didn't really know what to do so he went out to the pier. He wore ripped jeans, a tight t-shirt, and a jacket over it even if it was very warm out. He was extremely self conscious about his think body and the scars on his wrists. He had gotten to the pier and of course Liz and Paul were there too. He ignored them most of the day and went into the guitar shop. He bought a few new pics and was leaving the store when the same group of boys showed up that had the other day.

"Shit." George muttered.

He began to walk quickly to his car but was easily caught by one of the lads.

"We got Lennon's boyfriend!" The guy shouted.

"Just let me go." George said bluntly.

"No no no. I like your jacket." Another kid said.

"Then go out and buy one George." George said.

"Why would I spend my money on something that's right here, for free." The boy smiled.

"What makes you think it's free?" George asked angrily.

"I don't think you'll put up much of a fight." He laughed.

The boys quickly stripped George of his leather jacket, revealing his extremely thin body, and the scars on his wrists.

"Did you starve yourself or something?" The boys joked.

"Fuck off." George warned.

"Did you hurt yourself too?" The boys said in sarcastic sad voices.

George folded his arms to try to hide the scars. The boys left him alone after they had the jacket and George ran to go under the pier. He kicked the rocks around and slammed himself on the wooden poles. He heard laughter and made out a couple coming in the distance. Of course it was Paul and Liz laughing and giggling together. They made their way to the place where Paul had given Liz the pearl and they saw George. He was crouched down on a pole and he was crying.

"George?!" Liz shouted.

George looked up as tears fell.

"Oh my God, Georgie what happened?" Liz asked concerned as she sat next to him.

"A group of boys stole my jacket, then they saw how thin I was, and my scars." George explained.

"Do you want to come home with us and we'll clean you up? You've got some nasty bruises." Liz offered.

George accepted it and the three went home.

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