P.S. I Love You

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It had been a few days since Paul and Liz kissed but Liz and certainly Paul had not forgotten about it. It was Tuesday so Liz was bound to see Paul at school.

"C'mon, Love!" George called out to Lizzy so that she would hurry up for school.

"Hold on!" Liz replied.

They got their jackets on and headed out the door. They walked to school where they me up with Paul a few blocks away from the school.

"Hey, guys." Paul said as he saw them coming up to his house.

The two waved at him and Paul joined them. They had been walking when Paul said that Liz's backpack was unzipped even though it really wasn't. Paul went to "fix" it and put something in there while he did. Neither George nor Liz noticed it so they let Paul supposedly fix it. They had gotten to school, Liz and George have each other a quick kiss and the three headed down separate hallways. Liz sat down at her desk and unzipped her backpack to get her notebook and pencil out. She saw a stray paper that she didn't remember putting in her bag and took it out with her other things. The class had started but Liz was more interested in the paper than the lecture. She opened it up and tried to see what it was. Once she got used to the messy handwriting, she realized they were song lyrics.

"Listen, do you want to know a secret?

Do you promise not to tell, whoa, oh

Closer, let me whisper in your ear

Say the words you long to hear

I'm in love with you, ooo

I've known a secret for a week or two

Nobody knows, just we two"

Liz finished reading the lyrics and flipped the page over to see if there was anything else. Of course, there was.

"Dear Lizzy,

I hope you love this as much as I love you. They may be just some lyrics, but they are very true. I know you and George have been together for awhile, but I can't stop thinking about you. I've realized that seeing you with George makes me jealous and I just can't take it anymore. And I can't stop thinking about our little kiss the other day; I hope you enjoyed it.


Paul xoxo"

Liz read this over and over until class ended. She stuffed the paper in her backpack and went to her next few classes. She saw George and Paul a few times who she tried to avoid a little. At the end of the day, George walked home with Lizzy and they were a few blocks away when someone ran past Lizzy in a hurry, tripping her and causing her backpack to fall off. Her notebooks fell out as well as the paper. George helped her up and picked up her stuff when he grabbed the paper.

"What's this?" George asked, flattening out the paper.

"Uh...nothing." Liz tried to snatch it out of his hands.

George turned around, avoiding Lizzy and read both sides of the paper.

"Lizzy? Are you and Paul..." George looked up at Liz with concerned eyes.

"No! Georgie I swear!"

"Then what's this?" George asked.

"I-I...." Liz didn't know how to answer.

"How long have you two been together?!" George nearly screamed.

"George we aren't together!" Liz yelled.

"It was just one kiss!" Liz blurted out. She covered her mouth with her hands when she realized what she had said.

"You kissed?!" George said as his eyes began to tear up.

"I-I can't believe you did this Lizzy!"

"George!" Liz yelled as George slammed the door as he walked into the house.

"George..." Liz said as she began to cry on the porch.

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