The Back Seat Of My Car

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Paul and Linda got in the back seat of the car. Linda lied across them and Paul got on top of her. She giggled and Paul gave her a kiss. Paul began to kiss her again but didn't stop this time. Linda playfully kicked around to try to get up. She willingly gave up and Paul wrapped his legs around her. Paul moved his hands under her shirt. Linda did the same to Paul and they continued for about half an hour.

They had finished but they still had all day. Linda lied on Paul's bare chest.

"I'm gonna miss that." Linda mumbled.


"The sound of your heart beating." Linda smiled.

Paul kissed her forehead.

Linda wrapped herself as tight as she could around Paul. Paul watched the rain fall down the car windows. Suddenly he heard whimpering noises.

"Love? Are you okay?" He asked.

Linda looked up from his chest and shook her head.

"I don't wanna leave."

"I know...but just think. You'll be done with all of your schooling soon and then you can come back here for photography." Paul tried to cheer her up.

"I know." She whispered.

They heard thunder from outside.

"C'mon, we should get inside." Paul said as he carefully got her up.

They ran in the pouring rain to go inside. They got in and Paul used the inside of his jacket to dry off Linda's face. He gave her a slow kiss as he gingerly dried her cheeks.

They walked around the airport until it was time for her flight.

Linda got her bags from the storage and headed to the line where she would board the plane. Paul followed her the whole time. They let everyone go in front of them so that they had as much time together as possible.

Paul held into Linda's shaking hands.

"Don't worry, Darling." Paul whispered.

Linda looked up at Paul with eyes full of tears. Paul gave her a final kiss and her tears fell as he did.

"See you later, Paul." She cried.

"Wait!" He said as he got something out of his own bag.

He rushed to her and placed a flower crown on her head.

"There. Now go along, Love. I'll see you soon." He winked.

Linda walked down the aisle and looked back once more. Paul blew her a kiss and watched the girl he had learned to love over the past few months. Linda blew him a kiss and walked out of sight. Paul walked slowly back to his car and walked through the pouring rain. When he got home, George and Liz were playing Monopoly.

"Hey, guys." He said, sulking.

"Hey, Paul!" George said cheerfully. "Wanna play?"

"No thanks." Paul said and walked up to his now empty room.

John was dead, Liz had been helping George, and Linda was now gone. He was alone. Sure, George and Liz were physically living with him, but something didn't feel right now.

He cried himself to sleep as he thought about all the people he cared about and how they weren't with him.

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