When I Get Home

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George was going to get John. He was going to ensure that John wouldn't get his Liz again. But Liz was in so much pain that he didn't want to leave her for too long. George gave her a kiss on the forehead before he headed out to get Liz and him some food from the grocery store. He locked all the doors and windows and left Liz asleep on the bed.

Liz was fast asleep and was still extremely sore from yesterday. She was in too much of a deep sleep that she didn't hear a lock being broken from downstairs. But she did here the bedroom door creak open.

"George?" She asked quietly.

"Guess again." The voice said.

The voice gave Liz goose bumps; she was absolutely terrified of that deep voice. Liz buried her head in the pillows and tried to cover herself in the covers of the bed.

"Oh, my dear miss Lizzy... You wouldn't want to hide from me." John muttered.

But she did. Lizzy was terrified of John and his beating. John began to remove the covers.

"Oh how innocent you look." John said.

"Liz was too weak to fight John off, or hardly stand for that matter. John had removed all the covers from the bed. Liz was the only thing left; she was in old shorts that were a bit too short and a cami. Her eye wasn't as swollen today but it was blue. And her back was still terrible. John searched the room while Liz remained terrified. He finally found what he wanted-ties. He had found George's ties. He took one and wrapped them around Liz's wrists and wrapped the other around her ankles. He took a third and wrapped it around her mouth. She moaned at his roughness.

"You sound beautiful." John said.

John continued and took his belt off. Lizzy thought that John was gonna make her give him another blow job or something but instead, John walked towards Liz with the belt in his hands. He made a snapping noise with his makeshift weapon. Lizzy realized what was going to happen. She was going to get beaten. Again.

She suddenly felt a burning pain on her thigh. She moaned as loud as she possibly could with the tie in her mouth.

Another snap and she felt the mark of the belt on her back.

And another; on her arse.

She began to cry and breathe heavily.

"Oh Liz, I'm just getting started." John said.

After several more hits on her back and arse, John grabbed her wrists and ankles and flipped her over on her back. Liz's eyes were massive and she had a look of fear in her eyes.

"You've got lovely eyes." John said seductively.

At that comment Liz shut her eyes and didn't open them. This angered John tremendously.

"C'mon Love, open those gorgeous eyes of yours." John said irritated.

She kept them shut.

"Oh, Lizzy....Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy....you naughty bird."

And with that remark he slapped the belt onto Liz's chest.

Her eyes shot open at the sudden pain. Tears ran down her cheeks.

John took the belt one more time and slapped Liz on the cheek. She felt blood drip down her face.

Footsteps came up towards the bedroom drawer.

Liz's eyes watched the door as well as they could since she was strapped down. George opened the door to a John Lennon who had sat down on top of Lizzy's thigh. George was frightened of John but tried to punch him anyway. John dodged it this time and then slapped George across the face. George fell from the hit and couldn't get himself up. He could still see though, which he despised. He saw John lean onto Liz's chest and grab her head. He removed the tie off of her mouth. John silenced Liz's cries for George with his mouth. He kissed Liz roughly while Liz tried to get him off. Liz soon realized that it was no use so she just tried to close her mouth. George finally recovered enough to get up and stop this. He managed to get John off of Liz. After a small fight between the two, John finally left the two alone on an awful note. George ran back to the bedroom where he had left Lizzy about 5 minutes ago. He came in and saw Lizzy opening the drawer. She pulled out a blade and made a deep cut in her wrist when George ran over to her.

"LIZZY!" George began to cry. He knocked the blade out of her hand, cutting himself by accident. Liz stood there for a few moments and then bawled into tears. She threw herself on the bed and put a pillow around her head. She screamed and cried. George, even though he was crying as well, tried to comfort his love and wrapped his arms around her. He got the pillow off of her head and pulled her up. He put his arms on her shoulders and looked right into her green eyes.

"Lizzy?" George asked seriously.

She looked up into his eyes.

"Liz listen to me, you need to forget everything that happened with John and move on. Since you can't physically erase the damage, erase all the memories from your head."

Liz nodded.

George smiled and gave her a kiss.

"Let's get you all fixed up then shall we?" George asked trying to lighten the mood.

Liz nodded and trailed behind George, still holding his hand. George saw her as a little girl then. She kept herself wrapped around George's arm until he gently got her off. He first stopped the bleeding and then put a bandage on the bad cut. Then he got Liz to take her shirt and pants off so he could put a robe on her. He helped her get it on over her sore body. They went to get ice packs and George laid Liz down on the bed.

George began to put ice packs on her fragile body. She whined at certain spots. George tried to put a small ice pack on her cheek for a little but she pushed it away. Instead she grabbed George's hand and made his hand rest on her cheek. George fixed her hair and gave her a kiss.

"Don't worry, Love. It'll get better; I promise." George assured her.

Liz smiled and began to fell asleep.

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