Get Yourself Another Fool

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"C'mon, Love. Time to get your cast off." George told her.

She got ready with the help of George and they headed out. He drove her to the too familiar hospital and a waited for her. It was a quick visit and they were out in no time. Prudence was told to be careful for the next few days but after that she could be back to normal.

They headed out to the pier to grab some lunch. They went into a sandwich shop and sat down. Before a waiter could come over George spotted someone.

"Let's go eat somewhere else." George said abruptly.

"What?" Prudence asked.

"Sweetie, let's just go I don't want you to get hurt."

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Please Prud-" George was cut off.

"Well if it isn't George Worgie." A familiar voice greeted him.

George looked up at him.

"New girl, Harrison?" He said as he blew smoke from his mouth towards Prudence.

She coughed at the cigarette smoke in her face.

"Fuck off, Pete." George warned him.

"Why? Don't want me messin' with this one like I did with Miss Lizzy?" He tormented.

"Will ya just leave?" George asked.

Pete ignored him.

"Oh c'mon. Lemme take your new bird out for a spin." Pete teased.

George grabbed Prudence's hand and tried to get her out of the restaurant.

Pete followed them and grabbed Prudence's wrist and pulled her hips against his.

"Hey pretty girl." He said under his breath.

She tried to get out of his grasp but it was no use.

Pete saw the cuts on her arms.

"Did Georgie teach ya how to cut too? Wasn't that sweet of him." He chuckled.

George punched Pete in the face.

"Let go of 'er!" George yelled.

"Fine." Pete said and let go of Prudence.

"I'll make a deal with you. I won't punch your face till your black and blue if you let me steal your bird for a bit." Pete offered.

"Go ahead, punch me. Punch me till I'm black and blue, Best." George coaxed him.

"You asked for it." Pete said as he took a first swing at George.

"George!" Prudence screamed.

"Don't worry your pretty little head. He's doing this for you." Pete yelled at her.

He punched George for a good few minutes while Prudence stood there helpless. Once Pete was done, he winked at Prudence and slapped her arse.

Prudence ran to George who looked like he was about to collapse any second.

"George?" Prudence called his name.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry." He managed to get out.

Prudence hurried him to the car.

"George, your bleeding all over your face." She said frightened.

"I'm fine. Let's just get home." He said.

Prudence drove home and quickly got him inside.

"Paul?" She cried out.

Paul ran downstairs, shirt unbuttoned.

"Hey, Love. Something wrong?" Paul asked clueless.

"Pete was at the pier and he beat George up." She explained and pointed to George who was on the couch.

"Oh my God. I'll grab ice and bandages." Paul said shocked and hurried to the freezer.

"Linda! Get down here with bandages!" Paul shouted out to her.

She came down with a first aid kit, she was still buttoning up her shirt from whatever she and Paul were doing.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Prudence explained and Linda immediately began to wash off George's face.

"Oh dear God." Linda cursed realizing how much blood there was.

George winced every now and then.

Once they could actually see his face, Prudence and Linda went upstairs to find more bandages while Paul started putting ice around his face gently.

"Hey, Love." Paul whispered.

"Hey." George said weakly.

"Pete again, huh?" Paul asked.


"Sorry to hear that." Paul murmured.

He gave George a kiss right when Linda and Prudence got back.

"Paul?" Linda asked, breath taken.

"Linda-" Paul prepared to think of an excuse.

"Linda, Sweetie-" Paul began to walk towards her.

"Just go away!" Linda cried and ran upstairs.

"Prudence, I'm so sorry. I swear that was all me, George had nothing to do with it." Paul told her.

"It's fine Paul, just go fix things with you and Linda." Prudence told him.

"You're such a sweetheart." Paul told her and gave her a kiss on the forehead before running to Linda.

Prudence continued to ice George while Paul and Linda were upstairs.

"Linda, please forgive me!" Paul begged.

"I've forgiven you so many times, Paul!" She cried.

"It's just that George is like my baby brother and I don't want him to get hurt anymore than he has already!" Paul pleaded.

"Joseph's coming." Linda announced suddenly.

"What?!" Paul shrieked.

"Joseph's coming. Y'know the guy you threw a fit about before." Linda explained.

"I know who he is." Paul said angrily and crossed his arms.

"When?" He asked.


"And where is he staying?"

"At the hotel a few minute away."

"Are you gonna see him?"

"Well based on what I just saw, I don't see why not." Linda said.

"But-" Paul became worried.

"You don't control me, Paul." Linda said proudly.

"I know but-"

"Just go check on George." Linda shooed him away.

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