Another Day

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They drove home early that morning so Linda could make sure all of her bags were ready.

"Have you got everything?" Paul asked.

"I think so." Linda said sadly.

"Something wrong?"

"I don't wanna leave." She admitted as she hugged Paul.

Paul kissed her cheek. "I know, Love."

Linda said goodbye to George and Liz and Paul drove her to the airport. It had begun to rain.

"I hope I don't have to fly in this weather." Linda said as she pressed her forehead on the cold glass window.

"I hope your flight's delayed." Paul mumbled.

"What?" Linda asked.

"I was just hoping that your flight got delayed a little so that we could have a little longer together." Paul said clearly this time.


The rest of the drive was silent except for the noise of the rain getting heavier.

They arrived at the airport and Paul gave Linda his jacket so that he was left in a white t-shirt.

"Go inside, Love, I'll get your stuff." Paul shouted over the pouring rain.

Linda nodded and rushed inside. She waited several minutes before Paul came in with a drenched shirt and 4 massive bags. She couldn't help but smile at Paul. His hair was a mess and his shirt was now see through.

"Paul your lips are purple!" She exclaimed.

Paul's teeth were chattering, "It's a bit wet out there."

Linda laughed and kissed Paul.

"I suppose you want your jacket back?"

"Yes please." Paul said quickly.

Linda wrapped him in it and hugged him.

"Have you checked to see if your flight's delayed?" Paul asked.

Linda shook her head, "I'll check now. You stay here and warm up."

Paul waited on the bench for a few minutes. He sat up when Linda came back.

"They said it's delayed and won't be rescheduled until they find out if the storm will pass or not.

"You mean we have the whole day?" Paul asked.

"It depends on the weather, Love." Linda tried to explain again.

Paul jumped off of the bench and picked Linda up.

"I'll take whatever I can to spend a little more time with you." Paul muttered in her ear and kissed her neck.

"We have to stay at the airport though; y'know incase the flight is rescheduled soon." Linda said.

"Then we can have a lazy day at the airport." Paul suggested.


They set her bags next to the bench and then Paul laid on the bench.

"Where am I gonna sit?" Linda asked.

Paul turned on his side patted the area in front of him. "Right here."

Linda managed to lie down so that her back was against Paul's chest. He fixed his head into her neck and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"It'll be a good day." He mumbled and gave her a little kiss.

Paul could feel Linda's heart beat. The two napped together for a while.

They woke up to the sound of a voice over the mic.

"Flight 204 to New York City has been rescheduled for tonight, at 8 pm."

"Did you hear that, Linda?" Paul asked.

Linda nodded, "We have about 7 hours."

"There's a few restaurants downstairs, do you want to get lunch?" Paul offered.

Linda nodded. They had given her luggage to a storage place until her flight.

Paul held her hand and they went down stairs.

"What restaurant?" He asked. "I'll pay for any of them."

"Um... Just that little sandwich shop is fine." She said, not wanting for Paul to spend a lot of money.

"Are you sure? We can go to a nicer one." Paul offered again.

"I'm sure." She assured him and they got some sandwiches.

They ate at one of the smaller tables. They finished but remained at the table for a while.

"Linda, I think we both know that I've been through...uh...a lot this past year or so," Paul began to say, "but I just wanna thank you for helping me get through it and making me happy again."

"I'd do anything for you, Love." Linda said.

Paul nodded, "And I'd do anything for you. But y'know last week when Liz came up to me when you and George were in the kitchen?"


"Well...I had...cut." Paul admitted.

"Paul!" Linda gasped.

"I know, it was just right after John's f-funeral and..." He trailed off.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't notice. I just thought you might want to be alone for a bit after the funeral." Linda tried to say.

"It's not your fault, Love." Paul promised her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Please try not to get into all of that while I'm gone." Linda begged. "Liz will help you."

"I'll try." Paul said. "Do you want dessert?" He asked trying to get off the topic.

"I'm pretty full." Linda said.

"Oh c'mon. Not even a little ice cream?" He asked.

"Sure." She smiled.

Paul bought them a cup to share.

"Here." Paul said as he brought a spoon full of it to Linda's mouth. She opened her mouth and let Paul feed her. He purposely dabbed her nose with it after so that she had ice cream on her nose.

"Did that on purpose, didn't you?" Linda giggled.

She reached for a napkins but Paul stopped her.

"Hey, I made the mess, I'll clean it." Paul smiled as he kissed her nose.

Before he fully sat back in his chair, he looked into Linda's eyes and smiled. He began to kiss her slowly. Paul put his hand on her cheek. Linda felt his warm hand on her cold cheek.

"What time is it?" Paul asked.

"A little after 3. We've got about 4-5 hours." Linda told him.

"Wanna go home for a bit?" Paul offered.

"I don't think we have time." Linda said.

"Oh...we can go to the car though." Paul smirked.

Linda tried to muffle a giggle. They left and headed to the rather empty parking lot for a little time alone.

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