Any Time At All

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The two headed to George's house after the strange first day of school. George unlocked the door and let Liz into the empty house. George's father was working in America for a business trip and his mom worked at a hotel so his parents weren't home very often. His mom would occasionally visit every few weeks but other than that, George pretty mic lived by himself. He enjoyed being alone but could use some company every now and then. George got him and Liz some pizza and they ate it in George's room. While they were eating, Liz asked George for a favor.

"George?" She said a bit nervous.

"Yes, Darling?"

"Well my mum and dad are out of town for the next few months and I was wondering if you would let me stay here? I know it's a huge thing to ask of someone you just met and all but I hate being alone an-"

George cut her off, "Hehe, of course you can." He said with a smile. "My parents are hardly ever home so we can be alone...together."

"Yay! Thank you so much!"

"No problem, Love."

"I'll take you back to your place, you can grab all your stuff that you need and then we can set up all of your stuff in the guest room." George said happily.

"Oh, George, I can't thank you enough!" Liz said as she kissed George.

George loved her little kisses. He kissed her back and they headed to her place. They arrived at the door and Liz pulled out her key. They headed up to her room and she began to pack up all of her stuff. George was looking around her room and found a little music box. He turned the knob and it played a peaceful, little tune. George whistled along to it and stopped suddenly when he picked up the box. Liz noticed the sudden stop and asked him what was wrong.

"What's this?" George asked frightened. As he carefully pointed at a collection of blades under the music box. George had such a concerned look on his face that it made Liz want to cry.

"George...y'know when I said I had stopped cutting?"

"Yes, Love."

"Well, I haven't really completely stopped." She said upset with herself.

"Well, them why did you say that, Liz?"

"Because you looked so sad and I wanted to help you and once I got to know you a bit, I began to...well....really like you." She said blushing. "Please don't be mad."

"Why on earth would I be mad?" George asked.

"Because I lied to you." She said with a few tears in her eyes.

"Well one good thing has come out of this."


"We can both stop cutting; together." George said as he walked over to Liz and grabbed her waist and kissed her.

"This is why I fell in love with you, George." She said with a smile.

"And it's also why I fell in love with you." George said as he wiped away Liz's tiny tears that began to fall down her face.

"Thanks, Love." Liz said.

"Anything for you, Sweetie."

They smiled and finished packing up. Liz told George to head downstairs and that she'd meet him in a moment.

"Ok, Love! Don't take too long." George said with a wink.

"Liz waited for George to leave the room and walked quietly to her music box. She lifted up the box and grabbed the blades and stashed them in her bag.

"Just incase." She said regretfully.

"Are you ready, Love?" George called out.

"Yes, George! I'll be there in a second!"

Liz headed down the stairs and met with George at her door.

"Ready?" George asked.

Liz released a deep breath, "Ready."

They kissed and headed out to George's house where they would both be staying for the next few months by themselves.

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