Ain't She Sweet

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Meanwhile George and Liz were in the guitar shop looking for a new ukelele for Liz. Liz let George do most of the looking since he actually new what to get. He bought one and went outside on the bench and showed it to her.

"George, this is beautiful." Liz said shocked.

"Beautiful ukelele for a beautiful girl." He giggled.

"But this must've costed you a fortune."

"Anything for you, Love." George said and gave her a kiss.

"At least let me pay you back." Liz begged.

"You can pay me back by singing to me with that lovely voice of yours." George winked.

"We'll see." Liz laughed and the two went to go put the ukelele in the car so they didn't have to carry it around. When they came back they joined Paul and Linda so they could all go to lunch.

They all went to a sandwich shop and got all their food. They brought it down to the beach and had a little picnic.

"Linda, do you want some of mine?" Paul offered.

"No thanks, I'm a vegetarian actually." Linda said.

"Oh, sorry." Paul blushed.

"It's fine." Linda smile and they continued eating.

They all finished and took a walk on the beach.

Paul and Linda were walking together and holding hands. Paul saw something and poked it with his bare foot.

"What is that?" He asked.

"Paul." Linda said.

"What?" He asked nervously.

"Thats a jellyfish." She informed him.

Paul let out a little girlish scream. Linda fell to the ground laughing.

Paul blushed so much his face was a bright red.

"Not funny." He pouted.

Linda continued to lie on the ground and laugh.

"Linda, stop!"

"Watch out, Paul there's another jellyfish behind you." Linda joked.

Paul screamed again and fell on top of Linda.

"I'm just teasing with ya." Linda told Paul whose face was just inches away.

She pushed his hair out of his face and gave him a kiss.

"It's a good thing you're cute." He giggled and gave her a kiss back.

George and Liz were walking in the opposite direction and George picked up a shell. He gave it to Liz.

"Aw it's shaped like a heart." Liz said.

"That's why I picked it up. I gave you my heart." George said and gave Liz a kiss.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss back.

"Why are you so bloody sweet?" Liz asked as he spun her around.

George kissed her and set her down.

"Let's go see what those two are up to." George said as they began to head over to Paul and Linda.

"Is Paul...jumping?" Liz laughed.

"Um...I don't really know." George said confused and they ran over.

Linda was on the floor crying from so much laughter.

"What the hell?" George laughed.

"Paul...jellyfish!" Linda blurted out.

"Shut up, Linda!" Paul screamed and ran to the grass.

The other three came over to him and decided to go home.

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