Golden Slumbers

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Paul had fallen asleep with Liz. When he woke up he found Liz's arms wrapped around his waist. Paul giggled and woke up Liz.

"Oh sorry." Liz said and released her grasp on Paul.

"You didn't do anything wrong." Paul smiled.

The phone rang and Paul jumped out of bed, hoping it was Linda.

"Hello?" Paul answered the phone in Liz's room.

"Paul!" Linda shouted happily.

"Hey, Love." Paul said as a smile came across his face. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Paul." Linda said.

"How's it going over there?" Paul asked.

"Eh...nothing too spectacular. I just wanna be done with school so I can come back."

"You can come over for fall and winter break right?" Paul asked.

"Hopefully winter, I'm not sure about fall break." Linda replied.

"Really?" Paul groaned.

"Yea. Sorry, Love. I really want to see you too." Linda told him.

"Wait Linda, isn't it like the middle of the night there?"

"Oh...yea...uh- still getting used to the time change I guess." Linda lied.

"What's really wrong?" Paul asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry." Linda said quickly.

"Linda, what's happened?" Paul asked again.



"Well I guess when I was gone all summer, the kids at school made up these embarrassing lies about what I was doing and I don't know what to do."

"Did you tell them the truth?" Paul asked.

"Yes! But no one believes me and I don't know what to do." Linda said as she sniffed.

"Linda don't listen to them. Just ignore them all. And promise me you won't get a hold of any blades or any of that." Paul begged her.

"Okay." Linda assured him.

"I love you, Linda."

"I love you too."

"Get some sleep now, alright?" Paul asked.

"I'll try. See you later." Linda said and hung up.

"Damn bastards making fun of Linda." Paul said angrily.

"Oh that's awful!" Liz said.

"They've made up all these stories about where she was this summer and I guess it's gone a bit far."

"You should go over there." Liz said.


"Go to New York; prove em wrong. Show 'em Linda really did come here and found you." Liz smiled.

"How? I don't have that money." Paul said sadly.

Before Liz could respond, the phone rang again.

"Hello?" Paul asked. "Liz it's the hospital."

He gave the phone to her and kissed her on the cheek before letting her be alone.

"Hello." Liz said.

"Hello, Miss Lizzy? Yes we've decided to do the surgery now and we just want to ensure that Mr. Harrison will have a way to get home after a few days in the hospital." The doctor.

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