I Wanna Be Your Man

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"How are you, Love?" Paul asked as he came into their room.

"I don't know..." John said. "I just feel like there's something big really missing now."

Paul came over and laid next to John.

"Well, that part you can never really ignore, you just kinda live with it." Paul said.

"Oh..." John muttered.

"But, let's get your mind off of all of this for now." Paul said in a happier tone.

"How?" John asked.

"Let's write some more." Paul suggested.

"I don't really wanna write right now." John said not wanting to disappoint Paul.

"Th-that's fine, we can um...go look at some guitars at that shop down the road." Paul said.

John nodded. "Let's bring George, I'm sure he'll want to go."

"Yep, might as well bring Liz." Paul giggled.

It was a bit later in the afternoon so not too many people were shopping.

The four walked in and began looking.

"Maybe I could get her for Christmas." John said pointing at one of the nicest guitars in the shop.

"I'd get you it if I could afford it but I'm afraid I can't." Paul said sadly.

"Oh it's alright, Macca. Maybe next year I'll save up for it." John said.

Paul nodded but he still wanted to get that guitar for John.

Paul and John continued to look around while George and Liz did.

George and Liz were holding hands while they looked.

"Y'know I've always wanted to play but I'm sure I'd be dreadful." Liz admitted.

"Why didn't you tell me before? I'll teach you!" George exclaimed.

"I don't know...I've just never had that good of luck with instruments and music." Liz said.

"Well let's get you a little ukelele to start off with." George said excited.

Liz picked out just a beginner's ukelele and bought the cheap instrument.

"Lizzy, I can't believe you never told me!" George shouted again walking out of the shop.

"Sorry, Love! I'm just sure I'll be terrible!" Liz laughed.

"Oh I'm sure you're great." George said encouragingly.

"Well, don't make any bets." Liz said half jokingly, half seriously.

George, Liz, Paul, and John all headed back home.

When they got home, Paul and John grabbed some food and ate while George began to show Liz some basic chords.

"Can you play that first chord I showed you?" George asked.

Liz nodded nervously and tried. Liz knew it sounded awful.

"Uh-put your finger on the other string." George said.

"Oh, right." Liz said as she blushed, embarrassed.

She tried again.

"There ya go!" George said happily.

He grabbed his own ukelele and he showed Liz a little tune. Liz copied him. George played the next few chords, and Liz did as she saw.

"Liz...you're-you're fantastic." George said in awe.

Liz blushed. "Ya think so?"

George nodded and set down his ukelele on the table. He leaned over to Liz and kissed her on the lips. Liz wrapped her one hand around George's neck and George laid on top of her on the couch. Liz gently let the ukelele go on the floor and the two made out some more.

John walked in from the kitchen to ask of George and Liz wanted some dessert.

"Hey guys, want some ice cr-" John began to ask. "Oh my god, get a room." He said annoyed by the two making out on the couch.

Paul walked in. "Oh relax John, it's only love." He said as he wrapped his arms around John.

"But it's...mehh." John tried to argue.

"Oh shut up, Johnny." Paul giggled and kissed John on the cheek.

"Let's get our ice cream." Paul said.

John nodded and the two went back in the kitchen.

"Vanilla or chocolate, Love?" Paul asked as he bent over to get the ice cream out of the freezer.

John walked up behind him silently. Paul began to get back up when John suddenly grabbed his waist as he pulled Paul closer.

"Oh my god, John, you scared the hell out of me." Paul said startled.

"Sorry, Love." John said as he out his chin into Paul's neck. "I'll take vanilla by the way." And kissed him on the neck.

"Alright." Paul said and bent down into the freezer again.

John grabbed Paul's arse.

"Stop it, you tease." Paul said giggling.

The two got their ice cream and took it to their room. They sat down on the bed and began eating.

"Can I try some of that?" Paul asked.

John nodded and put a spoon of vanilla ice cream in Paul's mouth. Paul blushed and swallowed it.

"Want some chocolate?" Paul asked.

John nodded and Paul fed John some chocolate ice cream.

"Thanks." John said and kissed Paul.

Paul blushed again.

"Dammit why do you blush so much?" John asked.

"I-I'm sorry, I can't help it..." Paul began to apologize.

"No,no. It's not a problem at all. It just makes it so hard to not kiss you every time you do it." John said.

Paul blushed again.

"Dammit, Paul." John smirked and gave Paul a quick kiss.

"I swear if you blush one more ti-" John began to say as Paul blushed.

"Oh my God Macca." John said as he moved the ice cream to the bed side table and got on top of Paul.

"How much longer are ya gonna blush?!" John asked anxiously.

"As long as I want to." Paul giggled.

"I hope that's a long time." John replied and kissed Paul.

The two eventually fell asleep together and so did George and Liz on the couch.

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