Anytime At All

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Meanwhile, Liz ran to John's house. John had said Mimi was out for the next few weeks visiting a friend that had become ill. She ran in the door, crying.

"John!" She cried.

John hurried downstairs from his room.

"What is it, Love?" He asked worried. "Aren't you supposed to be at George's?"

"I did and...and... I saw George in bed...with Jane! And-and-" Her muttering was cut off by John.

"Shhh" He whispered in her ear as he rocked her gently in his arms. "It'll be alright. You can stay here as long as you like."

"Th-thanks John."

"Anything for you." He smiled as he gave her a kiss.

"C'mon Liz, let's get you warmed up. It's freezing out there." John said as he put his arm around Liz's waist and took her to his couch. He brought her a blanket and tucked her in.

"I'll get us some hot chocolate." He said with a wink.

Liz smiled and nuzzled into the warm blanket.

John came back in a few minutes later with two mugs.

"One for you," he said giving Liz one mug, "and one for me." He said as he got under the same blanket as Liz.

"Careful it's hot, Love." John warned before she drank any.

"Thanks, John." Liz said.

"Anytime, Lizzy."

The two drank their hot chocolate. Once they finished they set the mugs on the table.

"John?" Liz asked.

"Yes, Darling?"

"Do-do you think George is with Jane now?" She asked.

"Well, they did sleep together... But that doesn't mean that necessarily..." John stopped when he saw Lizzy tear up.

He pulled Lizzy closer to him.

"Shhhh...." He whispered to her again as he put his finger to his lips.

"You deserve better than George anyway." He said.

Liz put her head in John's lap. He ran his fingers through her hair and began to sing to her.

"I send you flowers but you don't care

You never seem to see me standing there

I often wonder what you're thinking of

I hope it's me and love love love

So I hope there'll come a day

When you'll say, "Mm you're my little girl"

"I've never heard of that song before." Liz said.

"Do you like it though?" John asked.

Liz nodded her head, " Its beautiful." She said.

"Well it's for you." He said.

"You-you mean you wrote that?" She asked lifting her head up.

John nodded.


"Yes, Love?" He asked.

"I... I hope George is with Jane." She said.

"What?" John asked confused. "Why?"

"So I can be with you." She said.

A huge smile appeared on John's face.

"Oh Lizzy!" He said happily as he gave her a kiss on the lips. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you like mad. Yes I do." He continued on and gave her a kiss in between each one.

Liz laid her head on John's shoulder.

"I love you too, Johnny." She said kissing him.

The two cuddled together on the couch under the blanket and they spent the day together.

"John?" Liz asked again.

"What is it, Lizzy?" He giggled.

"Thank you." She said.

"No, thank you." John said and kissed her.

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