Call Me Back Again

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Lucy and Julian had left but George assured her she could visit anytime. George and Liz had to go to the hospital so George could get his treatment to help him cope with his cancer. Paul was trying to find something to do until he could call Linda. When George and Liz arrived at the hospital, George went to a room while Liz waited. After about an hour of treatments and tests, a doctor came in to tell George his results.

"Well Mr. Harrison, there's some good news and bad news. The good news is that you haven't gotten any worse, the bad news is that it hasn't gotten any better." The doctor explained. "We'll be keeping you here for the next few days to determine your next treatment."

George nodded.

More days away from Liz, he thought.

"Uh can my girlfriend come in?" George asked.

The doctor nodded and left. Liz came in.

"How is it, Sweetie?" Liz asked.

" hasn't really changed so they're gonna keep me here the next few days. You can go home though, I don't want you to have to stay here."

"I'll stay here for a bit more, then I'll go to make sure Paul's alright." Liz promised.

George nodded his head and the two spent their day in the hospital room.

Meanwhile, Paul had been staring at the telephone, waiting until he could call Linda.

When Liz got back, Paul didn't hear her open the door. Liz quietly stood near the kitchen and watched Paul. He began to dial a number he already memorized and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

"Linda answer!" Paul said angrily.

He called one more time and left a message.

"Hey Love. I guess you're a bit busy right now so call me back when you can. I love you, Linda." Paul said and then made a kissing noise into the phone and hung up.

"She hasn't answered in three days." Paul said as a tear fell from his eye.

"Paul?" Liz asked.

"Liz." Paul said surprised not realizing she was there. "How long have you been there?" He asked.

"Long enough to know your not feeling too great right now." Liz said as she gave Paul a hug.

"She hasn't answered in three days." Paul said disappointed.

"She's probably just busy." Liz tried to make up an excuse.

"But it's her first week back at school; she couldn't be too busy." Paul said.

"Maybe she's catching up with her family." Liz suggested.

"Sure." Paul said sarcastically.

Liz kissed his cheek.

"Can I get you something?" Liz asked.

"No thanks." Paul sulked as he went to his room.

Liz got him some tea anyway and walked up to his room.

"Paul I brought you some tea." Liz said as she opened the door.

Paul's attention was focused on something on the shelf.

"Paul?" Liz asked.

Paul continued to look at the shelf. Liz set the tea down and walked over to Paul. She looked at where Paul was looking and caught sight of something shiny. She walked over and got the object down.

Another blade.

"Paul, come here." Liz coaxed him.

Paul slowly walked to Liz.

"What?" He asked.

"Just follow me." Liz said as she led Paul to the bathroom.

"Liz I swear I don't have any blades in here." Paul told her.

"I believe you, but I'm not looking for blades." Liz assured him.

Liz lifted the toilet seat.

"What the hell are you doing?" Paul asked.

Liz didn't answer but instead dropped the blade in the toilet and flushed it.

"What the hell, Lizzy?!" Paul screamed and slapped her on the cheek.

Lizzy looked at Paul, shocked at what he had done.

"Paul." Liz whimpered.

"How could you?!" Paul yelled.

"I was trying to help you." Liz mumbled.

"Well stop!" Paul shouted. "I don't need your help!"

"Paul, I was just trying to-"

Paul slapped her again, harder.

"What's wrong with you?" Liz cried.

"I don't need your help, Lizzy!" Paul screamed again.

Lizzy now had a swollen cheek and tears fell from her eyes. She ran out and into her room. Paul was breathing heavily out of rage and knocked over the tea Liz had brought him.

Liz went to her room next door and fell on the bed. She tried to think of what she had done that was so terrible. Paul had always accepted her help. Was flushing a blade too far?

Liz tried to figure out what was wrong when Paul opened the door.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have flushed the blade." Liz said quickly.

Paul walked over and Liz winced trying to protect herself from Paul. Instead Paul sat next to her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so sorry." He mumbled.

Liz relaxed a little.

"What?" She asked, still lying on the bed.

"I'm sorry." He repeated.

Liz sat up, revealing her red cheek.

Paul carefully put his hand on her cheek.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Paul asked.

"Nothing. Your fine." Liz tried to tell him.

"Then explain this!" He said as he touched her cheek.

Liz looked at him, not sure what to say.

"I can't believe I hit you. Lizzy, I don't know what got into me." Paul tried to say.

"It's okay." Liz told him.

Paul hurried downstairs to get her an ice pack. He returned and gently put it on her swollen face.

"Is this good enough?" Paul asked, concerned.

"It's perfect." Liz ensured him.

Paul looked into her eyes and remembered when they were under the pier, and Paul gave her the pearl.

"Do you still have the necklace?" Paul asked.

"Of course. I wear it everyday." Liz smiled.

"Really?" He asked, beginning to blush.

"Really. See?" She said as she pulled at one of her necklaces.

Paul smiled. "You know I really meant that?"

"What?" She smiled.

"What's on the heart, 'Love you forever, Love Paul'."

Liz nodded. "I know."

Paul kissed her on the lips. "I'll always love you, no matter what."

"I'll always love you, Paul." She said and hugged him. "Don't forget that."

"I won't." Paul said and hugged her back.

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