I Feel Fine

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George and Liz arrived back at George's and George kept her closer to him than usual.

"So...do you think you'll join the band?"

Liz asked trying to ignore the question she was dreading.

"I don't think so, Love." George said sadly.

"But George, you're bloody amazing!"

"I don't care! I'll find another band; another band that doesn't include John Lennon." George snapped.

"George, you don't need to worry about John. I'll be fi-" Liz was cut off.

"No Lizzy! You won't be fine! That Lennon is a fucking bastard and I don't want him anywhere near you." George said seriously.

"George I will not let you miss this opportunity because of me!" Liz pleaded.

"But Liz, if he gets a hold of you again..." George began to tear up.

"George? What's wrong?"

"If he gets a hold of you again... Th-then you'll leave me."

"Why on earth would I leave you, Love?" Liz asked worried.

"Because he's fucking John Lennon. Y'know the man that every bird would kill for, the man that steals other men's birds." George said as he focused on Liz's green eyes.

"I will never leave you, George! And you're far better,kinder & sweeter than Lennon."

"But I'm not. You're just saying that to make me feel better so I won't cut."

"George! I'm not lying to you! You're the best man that I've ever met or even heard of! You deserve more than what you think." Liz nearly shouted to George.

"And if you cut, George, you know I'll cut too." Liz said rubbing her scars.

"Liz I'm sorry."

"What's there to be sorry about?"

"Because I led you into that Hell-hole you experienced with John. I know what he did." George said playing with his fingers.

"Then...why aren't you mad?" Liz said confused.

"Because I know you didn't want to do what he did to you and what he made you do to him."

Liz felt awful because...she did want to. She enjoyed being with John. But she loved George too.

Liz must've been frowning because George asked her what was wrong.

"N-nothing." Liz said shaking.

"Are you alright, Love? You look horribly sick all of a sudden."

Liz shook her head; she had broken out in a cold sweat from the fear of George finding out about her and John.

"C'mon, Sweetheart." George said, leading his girlfriend gingerly up the stairs.

George opened the door to his bedroom and tucked Liz into the covers.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, I'll be getting you some soup."

"Thanks, Georgie."

Liz heard George's hurried footsteps go to the kitchen. She didn't know what to do with herself. She loved George for his tenderness and sweetness. But she also enjoyed a few of John's characteristics. This only made her sweat more in the warm sheets. George came back up with a tray that had a small bowl of chicken noodle soup on it with a cup of orange juice. George laid the tray on the bedside table.

Liz reached over to grab the spoon. Her hand was stopped by George pushing it back.

"Don't worry, Love." George said as he picked up the spoon and fed Liz extremely carefully.

Liz couldn't help but smile a little at George's concerned eyes that carefully followed the spoon all the way to Liz's mouth. Liz had finished up her soup and juice.

"Now get some rest, Lizzy. You look terribly sick, Love." George whispered as he gave Liz a kiss on the forehead, her left cheek, her right cheek, and then her lips. Liz blushed but it didn't show because of her already hot cheeks. George cleaned up the bowl and cup and then returned. It was 11 pm and George decided to head to bed early.

George took his shirt off and got in bed with his plaid pajama pants on. Liz cuddled up to his bare chest and began to doze off quickly. George wrapped his hand around the back of her head and played with her hair.

"Goodnight, Love." George whispered and kissed her.

"Goodnight, Georgie." Liz said as she cuddled up impossibly close to George. She fell asleep and George soon followed. But George could sense her uneasiness, he just didn't know why she was so worried.

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