Big Barn Bed

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"This is amazing." Linda said as she wandered around the barn.

"How did you do this?" She asked.

"That's for me to worry about, you just enjoy." Paul said as he grabbed her hand.

He walked her around the candle lit barn and all the decorations.

"All of this is for later, I have the real surprise outside." He smiled as he led her to the back door.

He opened it and there were two horses.

"Oh my God, they're beautiful!" Linda squealed.

"Well go on!" Paul said happily as he helped Linda onto the white horse.

"Hey, Lovely." Linda said as she sat on the saddle.

Paul got on the other horse and looked at Linda.

"Ready?" He asked.

Linda nodded, excited and they began to ride around the field.

"Linda, there's a trail down there that leads to a little lake." Paul shouted.

She began to follow Paul to the trail and they rode side by side.

"Paul, how'd you afford this?" She asked.

"I already said that that's for me to worry about." Paul assured her.

They reached the lake and let the horses rest. Paul put his arm around her waist and took her down to the water. A butterfly flew around them and landed on Linda's hair. They giggled and Paul took Linda's camera and took a picture of her looking at the butterfly on her head. Paul gave her a kiss and the butterfly flew away.

They lied down on the grass and watched the sun start to go down. Linda put her arm on Paul's chest and he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you." Paul whispered.

"Love you more." Linda whispered back and she put her head on his chest.

Paul pulled her on top of her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm gonna miss you." Paul said.

"It won't be that long." Linda tried to comfort him even though she knew that she was lying. "Let's just enjoy tonight, okay?"

"Okay, Love." Paul said and flipped her over so that he was on her.

They tumbled and played in the grass and eventually went back to the horses. They got on and returned to the barn.

"Paul, that was amazing." Linda said as they went inside the barn.

"And you looked amazing riding on that horse, and when we were playing in the grass, and...well you always look amazing." Paul said as he blushed.

Linda looked at him with loving eyes and began to kiss him. Paul put his hands on her waist and she put her arms around his neck. They collapsed into one of the stacks of hay in the corner but didn't stop.

Their laughing eventually broke the kiss. Linda plucked the pieces of hay out of Paul's now messy hair.

"Oh Linda! I have a little present for you." Paul said, getting up and taking something off the table.

He hid it behind his back until he got back to Linda who was looking at some of the decorations.

Paul faced Linda and pulled the present from behind his back. He placed the flower crown he had made on her head and kissed her forehead.

"I hope you like it." Paul said nervously as held out a mirror in front of her.

"Paul, did you really make this?" Linda asked, fascinated.

Paul nodded. "I wanted to make it as pretty as you, but that's impossible; so I did my best."

Linda felt her cheeks burning up.

"Maybe I can send you flower crowns and you can wear them all the time." Paul laughed.

Linda hugged Paul and he spun her around. Linda giggled and Paul kissed her cheek.

"Y'know how you said you couldn't sing the other day?" Paul asked.

Linda nodded. "Yea, why?"

"I don't believe you."


"Your voice is beautiful and you have the cutest laugh. I think you'd be a great singer." Paul admitted. "Please sing."

"Will you sing with me?" She asked nervously.

Paul nodded.

"They don't even have to be words. Just sing a bunch of notes and stuff." Paul explained. "Like this:

Bip bop, bip bip bop

Bip bop, bip bip band"

Linda joined in shyly.

"Bip bop..."

Paul's face lit up when he saw her sing. He laughed and they repeated the random words together.

"Bip bop, bip bip bop

Bip bop, bip bip band"

"I told you!" Paul exclaimed. "Linda your voice is fab!"

"You're just saying that." Linda said.

"Linda, I wouldn't lie to you and I'm definitely not lying when I tell you that you have a beautiful voice." Paul said as he stepped closer to her.

They locked eyes and Paul whispered, "I could tell you I love you a million times and I don't think that would even be close to how much I really do. I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too." Linda said as she leaned up and kissed him.

They spent the whole night at the barn and Paul had even made a bed-like structure for them to sleep in.

"Paul can you do one last thing for me before I leave?" Linda asked.

"Anything." Paul said.

"Could you sing me that song you did at the pier and play your guitar?" Linda asked.

"I can sing it...but I can't play it on me guitar." Paul said, becoming anxious.

"Why? What's happened to your guitar?" Linda wondered.

"I...I sold it...and my bass." Paul admitted.

"Why?" Linda asked concerned.

"I wanted you to have the best night of your life with me tonight."

"You mean you spent all your money on tonight?"

Paul nodded.

"Paul, you didn't have to do that!"

"But you seemed so happy and that's when you're at your best. And that's when I see why I fell in love with you." Paul explained.

"Oh Paul! I can't believe how sweet you are!" Linda said as she began to kiss him all over his neck and face.

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