Two Of Us

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Meanwhile, John and Paul had found out something. They didn't like each other. They loved each other. Paul was still against the wall and John surrounded him.

"John?" Paul said innocently.

"Yes, Love?" John asked.

"I-I love you." Paul blurted out.

John touched his nose to Paul's, "I love you too, but what are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?" Paul asked staring into John's almond shaped eyes that he was madly in love with.

"I mean, we're two queers. We can't be seen like this in public. They'll hate us." John said sadly.

"I don't care what they think, I just wanna stay with you." Paul said ignoring what John had just stated.

"Paul, Love, we can't do this."

"But-but I love you." Paul whined.

John put his hand on Paul's cheek, "and I love you too but what will we do?"

Paul grabbed John's hand that was on his cheek and rubbed his cheek on it. "I'm not leaving you, Johnny." He said with tears in his eyes.

"But we-we have to." John said. "We can't stay at my house cuz Mimi's there and you've got your father and brother at you house. We can't just keep it a secret."

Paul wrapped his arms around John. "I don't wanna leave you!" He cried.

"Shhh....relax, Macca." John tried to comfort him.

"I can't relax, John! I can't leave you!" Paul cried.

John put his hands on Paul's waist and put his face inches away from Paul's.

"Well then what can we do?" He whispered.

"Let's-let's run away." Paul whispered back.

"Don't be ridiculous, Macca! We can't just run away!" John said.

"Then...let's go stay with George and Liz; both of their parents are almost never home."

"But Lizzy's there..." John muttered.

"What's it matter?! I thought you loved me!" Paul cried as he wiped away tears.

"I do love you, Paul!" John said.

"Then what does it matter?!" Paul screamed.

"I-I don't know..." John said looking into the younger boy's eyes.

"Then let's ask them." Paul said as he kissed John.

The two started to walk down the sidewalk to George's house. Paul reached his hand out to try to hold John's but John nudged him away.

"We can't do that out here." John whispered.

Paul had a sad look on his face and continued walking disappointed.

The two knocked on the door and realized it was open. They walked in and went upstairs. Paul opened the door and saw the two of them asleep, naked on the bed.

"What should we do?" Paul whispered.

"It's only 5 o'clock; we can wake 'em up." John replied.

"How?" Paul asked.

"Uh..." John said as he pulled a guitar pick out of his pocket. He threw it at George's face.

"What the hell?" George muttered.

"Wake up, love birds." John said.

Liz woke up, "Oh my God! Get out!" She shrieked pulling the covers over her and George.

"Relax, Love. It's nothing we haven't seen before." John smirked.

Paul slapped him on the back, "shut up, John!" And pulled him out of the room and took John downstairs. "Naughty boy." Paul giggled.

George and Liz got dressed and went downstairs to find Paul and John kissing on the couch.

"Get a room." George said a bit irritated.

"Actually, that's what we came here for." Paul said nervously.

"What do you mean?" Liz asked.

"Well John and I, since we're a couple now...we uh...needed a place to stay where people wouldn't find out about us." Paul said holding John's hand.

"I suppose you could take Liz's room." George said.

"Where am I gonna sleep?" Liz asked surprised.

"With me." George smiled. "Oh, alright." Liz smirked.

"Oh thank you!" John and Paul said together and hugged George and Liz.

"Just keep it down, will ya?" George asked.

"As long as you two do." John laughed.

Paul kissed John, "See, we can be together!" He said happily.

"Well, grab your stuff and I guess you can move in." George said.

John and Paul rushed out to go get their stuff.

"You're so sweet, George." Liz said looking up at him.

"I know." He laughed and pulled at the belt on Liz's robe to get her closer. He kissed her and they went to move Liz's stuff into George's room.

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