She Loves You

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"Liz?" Paul asked.


"I-I think I'm falling in love with you again." He admitted.

"Really?" She asked.

He nodded his head and blushed.

"Well, what about John?"

"I don't know...I love him and I don't wanna lose him but I feel like being his boyfriend would eventually ruin our friendship and....I don't know...." Paul said nervously.

"Oh... Paul?" Liz asked.

"What is it, Love?"

Liz leaned into his ear and whispered, "I think I'm falling in love with you too."

Paul looked at her with eager eyes, "Honestly?"

Liz nodded her head and gave him a quick kiss. Paul blushed again.

Liz yawned, "I'm getting a bit tired, you?"

Paul answered in agreement. The two went upstairs to their separate rooms and got dressed for bed. Liz had just gotten in bed when Paul knocked on the door.

"Come in." Liz said from her bed.

"Oh it's so much warmer in here. Well, I just wanted to say goodnight so, Goodnight, Lizzy." Paul said as he gave Liz a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Paul." She replied.

Paul began to leave the room when Liz called out to him. "Paul?"

"Need something?" He asked.

"No, not at all, it's just- if it's too cold in your room then maybe you should spend the night in here." Liz explained.

"Oh, are you sure?" Paul asked nervously.

Liz nodded, "George is spending the night at the hospital remember?"

"Oh right...well I suppose I could than." Paul muttered.

"Do you not want to?" Liz asked.

"Oh I do, I just didn't know if I should cuz of George." Paul mumbled.

"I promise it's fine, and if George does somehow find out, well I'll tell him it's all my fault, okay?" Liz begged.

"Alright." Paul said as he closed the door and turned off the lights.

Liz turned on the lamp next to her bed so that Paul could see those green eyes and beautiful hair.

"Your so pretty..." Paul blurted out.

Liz giggled, "thanks, you're not too bad yourself."

Paul blushed and Liz turned her back to Paul so that she could turn the lamp off. Paul moved close to her when she did so that her back rested on his chest. Liz reached or his hand and pulled it over her chest. Paul gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you Lizzy." Paul whispered.

"I love you too, Paul." She said as she flipped over so that she could be face to face with him. They could make out each others faces just barely by the light of the moon shining through the windows. Liz pressed her waist against his and Paul placed his chest against hers. He gave her kisses along her neck that made her giggle even more.

Lizzy began to fall asleep but Paul had too many things on his mind. While Paul was thinking during the night, he heard Lizzy mumble things in her sleep.

"George..." She muttered.

She even shook her head.

"Paul?" She asked in her sleep.

Paul listens intently when he heard his name.


Paul watched confused.

"I love you...George."

"I-I choose...."

Liz never finished her sentence. Did Lizzy really mean that? Was she actually going to choose between Paul and George? This added only more questions to what Paul had been thinking about. Paul was finally about to fall asleep when he heard crying. Liz was crying in her sleep. She cried and screamed so Paul tried to wake her up.

"Lizzy?" He nudged her.

"Liz? Liz!" He shouted, startling her.

"What?!" She shouted in terror.

"I wanted to wake you up, you were crying and screaming." Paul explained.

"Oh...thanks. You didn't hear me talk in my sleep did you?" Liz asked nervously.

"I-I did." Paul admitted.


"Liz if you want to be with George just tell me now and I'll leave."

"But I don't want you to leave...but I don't want George to leave either." Liz said conflicted.

"Do you want to be by yourself?" Paul asked.

"No...I want you to stay." Liz said holding onto Paul's hand.

"Ok." Paul said as he gave her hand a kiss.

Liz turned on the lamp.

"I don't think I'm gonna fall back asleep..."

"That's fine. I wasn't sleeping anyway." Paul said.

"I don't know what to do..." Liz said as tears fell down her face.

"Well, who are you happier around, me or George?" Paul asked.

"Who's nicer to you?" Paul asked again.

"Who loves and respects you more?" Paul asked one more time.

"Liz whoever the answer is to these questions, is who I think you should be with; even if it's not me." Paul explained.

"As long as you are happy, Sweetheart."

"Paul?" Liz asked.


"You're the answer."

"Really?" He asked surprised.

Liz nodded. "You were the answer to all three and I love you for that."

Paul kissed her, "I love you more."

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