Real Love

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Paul did his best to get over George and eventually did. He took Linda out for dinner the next night so that he could prove how much she meant to him.

"Where are we going?" Linda asked as Paul took her to the car.

"Somewhere." Paul replied.

"Where?" Linda giggled.

"Somewhere." Paul replied again.

Linda gave up guessing and they drove off. Paul parked to a field that Linda recognized for some reason.

"This looks familiar." Linda said.

"I know."

"Where are we?"


"What are we doing?"


Linda looked at him confused.

"Well come on!" Paul laughed and took Linda's hand.

He walked her down towards the beginning of a trail.

"Hey, is this where you took me before I left?" Linda asked.

"I suppose it is." Paul answered.

He whistled and two horses were released from the barn hidden behind trees.

The two horses stopped near Paul and he helped Linda get on the Appaloosa.

"I remember you." Linda smiled as she put her hand on the horses side.

Paul got on the other horse and they headed down the trail. They went along the somewhat familiar trail and arrived at the same spot near the lake, but this time, the trees were covered in lights and flowers were everywhere.

"Did you do all of this?" Linda asked.

"Maybe." He blushed.

The two got off the horses and walked around.

Paul took her hand and hurried her over to a little boat that had two oars.

Paul carefully helped Linda in and them got himself in. He paddled out to the middle of the lake and picked up something from behind him. He placed yet another flower crown on Linda's head.

The sun was beginning to set and Paul looked at Linda and kissed her.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

Paul began to paddle around the lake and stopped every now and then. He stood up.

"Paul, you're gonna fall." Linda warned him.

"I'm fine." He told her.

Paul put his hand in the water.

"Water's nice anyway." He smiled.

"It'd be a shame if someone pushed you over." Linda laughed.

"You wouldn't." Paul smiled.

Linda shrugged and she jumped in her seat to make the boat jerk.

"Linda!" Paul shouted.

They both laughed and Paul nearly did fall in.

"I told you." Linda said.

"I bet you couldn't even push me in." Paul teased her.

"Oh yea?"

"Mhm." Paul said and crossed his arms proudly.

Linda shifted towards Paul and paused him.

With a big splash, Paul fell in. He spit out some water and laughed.

"I stand corrected." He said, swimming. "But seriously, help me in."

"Fine." Linda said and extended her hand out towards Paul.

Paul grabbed it and pulled her in.

"Paul!" She yelled as she fell in.

"Dammit Paul." She said and slapped him jokingly.

Paul took his shirt off and tossed it in the boat. He pulled Linda towards him and kissed her neck.

"You're cute when you get mad." Paul joked.

"Oh shut up." Linda replied.

Paul kissed her again.

"I'm cold." Linda said after they had kissed for a while.

"Fine." Paul said and somehow managed to get the two of them in the boat.

He paddled back to where they started and helped Linda out. He tied the boat to a tree nearby and they rode their horses back to the barn.

They went in the barn and Paul wrapped a blanket around Linda.

They had dinner inside and went over to another corner of the barn where there was a canopy. Paul walked her inside and revealed a massive bed covered in pillows and flowers.

He gently laid her down on the bed and laid next to her. He picked up one of the flowers and put it behind her ear. Paul kissed her all over her face and neck.

Linda laughed from the tickling feel of Paul's nose and eyelashes when he kissed her.

They spent that entire night in the barn in each other's arms.

I'm A LoserDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora