You're Beautiful and You're Mine

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Prudence went to talk to George.

"How is it with Linda?" She asked.

George looked to see if anyone was there and explained to Prudence.

"Prudence, I miss you." He whispered in her ear.

She looked at him, speechless.

"I didn't mean anything that I said, I was just jealous." He pleaded.

"Didn't sound like it."

"Prudence, I don't care about Linda. Please take me back." He begged.

"I'm sorry George..." Prudence said and walked out of the house.

George threw her bracelet at the wall that he had taken with him in hopes that she would've accepted his apology. He went to his room where Linda was at the desk, looking at her pictures.

"So you don't care..." She said.


"I heard you with Prudence." She exclaimed.


"Get out." She warned him. "Might wanna go find Prudence."

George left and went to the couch.

Meanwhile, Prudence took a walk down Penny Lane to try to get her mind off of things. Linda and Paul would probably end up together again so there was no point in trying to get Paul back. Realizing George wouldn't take her back after what she had done, she crouched down and rested her back on a brick wall.

"You alright, Love?" A deeper voice asked her.

Prudence looked up at the person who was standing next to her. The boy, a few years older than her, had a rather large nose but an adorable and sweet face. His hair was slicked back, a few curls popping out. A grey streak of hair was on the side of his head.

He helped her up and held onto her hand.

"I'm Richard; but you can call me Richie." He said.

"What's a beauty like you doing here?" He questioned.

"It's a bit of a long story." She said, shying away from him.

"I have time; if you want someone to talk to." He assured her.

"That's sweet of you but you probably have a better way to spend your day." She said.

"I'll take you back to my place, me mum's making sandwiches." He offered.

Prudence finally accepted the offer and went with Richard, explaining what had happened with George, Paul and Linda. He listened closely the whole time. When they got to his house, his mum greeted the two happily.

"Mum, she's got a broken 'art." He announced.

"The poor bird." She said. "I'll make her a sandwich too."

"What's your name, Sweetie?" She asked Prudence.

"Prudence." She said quietly.

"What a lovely name." She smiled.

Richie took her to his room and let her finish the story.

"You can stay here as long as you'd like." He promised her.

He slowly leaned in to give her a kiss on the forehead, his nose pressing on her head. She smiled a little and let her head rest on his shoulder.

"Do you play the drums?" She asked, seeing the drum set in the corner of his room.

"Yea, I'm the drummer for Rory and the Hurricanes." He said proudly.

"Really?" She asked.

He nodded and smiled. He sat down at the drums and had her sit on his lap. She held the drumsticks and he guided her hands to the correct drum.

"There ya go." He smiled after she finished the song.

She smiled and gave Richard a hug.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, I was sitting on the curb and you just helped me." She asked.

"Cause I used to be like that all the time." He explained. "Except, nobody ever came to my side."

He picked up her hand and kissed it.

"You've got a lot of rings there." She giggled.

"Yep. They've earned me the nickname of Ringo actually." He chuckled.

"Ringo." She echoed. "I like it."

"Lunch is ready!" Ringo's mum called out from the kitchen.

"Hold on!" He shouted back at her.

He took his smallest ring off and placed it on Prudence's finger. She blushed tremendously.

"You don't have to keep it...but I thought you might like it." He said shyly and led her to the kitchen.

They ate quickly and Ringo asked her if she would like to go home.

"I don't think anybody wants me back where I live." She said, disappointed.

"C'mon; I'll make sure no one hurts you." He promised.

She looked at him nervously and he got the message that she was in no way ready to go back.

"Or you can stay here." He smiled.

She nodded. He set up the pull out bed in his room and moved his stuff to it.

"You can take my bed. I'll get new sheets and all that for you." He said.

"Oh that's alright. I'm fine." She responded.

He ignored her and got new sheets to make the bed. They talked the rest of the day about George and all of that. He noticed her scars as she talked and asked what they were from.

"Uh...I-I cut." She said, embarrassed.

"Why?" He asked.

She stared at the floor and tried to find a reason.

"People are just mean sometimes and they go too far with things..." She shrugged.

"Well if I ever do anything like that to you just tell me so I can stop and you don't do that. Okay?" He asked.

She nodded and lied on the bed. She yawned and Ringo followed.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked her.

"No thanks." She smiled. "Thanks for everything."

"No problem, Prudence." He said and kissed her forehead gently.

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