You don't love me

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They sleep until early the next morning by Cara's alarm for work goes off and she gets up.

She goes to the bathroom and washes her face and brushes her teeth.

Not long after Raf wakes and starts to get dressed also.

"Morning" Raf smiles as Cara comes in.

"Coffee downstairs for you... you need to boil the kettle though" she smiles.

"Right thanks" he says and goes and makes one.

Cara sits on her phone and reads through her notifications.

She gets back up and heads downstairs and gathers her stuff together.

"Raf, I'm ready... I'm going to walk in" she says.

"Why when I can give you a lift" he says.

"Just need to be alone with my thoughts" she replies.

"Oh" he sighs as she heads out to work.

He gets into the car and drives to work, he passes her on the way.

He glances over at her and heads to the hospital.

Later on Raf is at work and Cara has finally joined them.

"Morning nurse Martinez, how was your time off" Serena asks as she approaches her.

"Good, great to be back through" she smiles.

"Ahh and you won't be saying that after two minor burns and a whole load of patients with D and V" she replies.

"Lovely" Cara says and takes some files.

She starts with her patients and soon Raf comes over to her to chat.

"Hey you, having fun" he smiles.

"Hi" she says bluntly as she doesn't even look up.

"You okay?" He asks as he knows she isn't.

"I'll be fine" she says.

"Do you want me to take a look at those files?" He asks as they talk to the nurses station but Cara bites his head off.

"Stop following me!" She shouts.

"Why you being like this" he says.

"Because you don't love me!" She shouts.

"What are you talking about Cara!" He says.

"You know what I'm talking about!" She replies.

"Do I?... wait are you on about last night?" He asks as a Fletch and Jasmine look over from their patient.

"Yes I am! Why can't you put me before your stupid paper work! I'm meant to be your wife in a few years ! How can I even do this... here you know what, have it!" Cara says as she throws her ring at him and storms off.

"Cara!" He shouts but she's already left the ward. The others make their way over. "What do you think happened there" Jasmine asks Fletch.

"She's not getting enough" Fletch teases.

"You think so" Jasmine says seriously.

"Of course she practically bite his head off over nothing, I don't think he can keep up" he smirks.

"Oh dear" Jasmine laughs and Raf glares at them both as he holds onto Cara's ring tightly.

He looks down at it and puts it in his pocket and goes and looks for Cara.

He looks for her everywhere and finds her sitting in the corner of the lining cupboard crying to herself.

"There you are" he says as he walks in.

"Go away Raf" she mumbles.

"I'm not going anywhere" he says as he sits beside her.

Raf puts his arm around her and she leans into him. "Right first off get this back on your finger" he says as he gets the ring out.

She wipes her eyes and looks up at him.
She puts her hand on and he places the ring back on and starts to kiss her.

She pulls away slightly "last night, it did make me feel a little like a fool" she says.

"I just wasn't in the mood" he smiles.

"I know" she says.

"You clearly was" he smiles.

He kisses her against and Cara tries to ignore him.

"Trying to ignore me now are we? It won't work" he smiles.

"Leave me alone Raf" she mumbles.

"What's up with you" he says as Fletch walks by and notices them. He stands there quietly wondering if everything is ok.

"I'm sorry okay, I was pushy last night... see I just want this to be as natural and possible" she sighs.

"What you talking about" he says.

"Doesn't matter" she mutters as she leans against him. Fletch stands there and smiles.

Raf wraps his arms around her and hugs her. "I love you and you know that" he smiles.

"And I do love you" she says.

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