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Lexi helped me come up with this idea so long ago, that I doubt she remembers (I think Sabrina and Twila helped too).

Also I know this isn't how the elevator actually worked in the books but shut up and enjoy.




"Are you gonna press the button or not?" Jason questioned. "How long are we going to stand in this elevator?"

"Haven't you ever wondered?" Leo asked him.

"Wondered what?" Percy questioned leaning forward to hit the button for the 600th floor, but Leo slapped his hand away.

"Haven't you ever wondered about the other floors?" Leo asked them both. "Like what's on floor 544?"

Percy slowly smiled. "I say it's time we found out."

"This is not a good idea," Jason said crossing his arms.

"Well Percy and I are on board. Therefore you're out voted," Leo smiled before pressing button 544.

Jason cursed. "But we go straight to 600 after."

"I'm not promising anything," Leo said bouncing on the ball of his feet.

A few moments later the elevator door opened with a ding, and Leo's eyes opened wide as he stepped out of the elevator door. Leo's eyes stared upward. "Um guys? You see the upside down aquarium too right?"

"Are we on the ceiling?" Percy responded looking down. Sure enough down at his feet were hanging lights while far below him water was miraculously suspended and fish swam about it.

"But how?" Jason questioned staring up.

"Gods are real aren't they?" Leo shrugged.

Jason was about to respond to Leo when he noticed Percy his arm outstretched toward the aquarium high above. "Uh Perce? You might not want to do that. We don't know what will happen. I mean someone could be mad if we mess with this place."

"It'd be cool to swim in that though," Percy argued.

"Do you want to swim or be smited?"

Percy sighed and lowered his hand. "Let's head too a different floor."

Leo eagerly led the way to the door. When it opened and the three boys climbed inside they paused staring at the buttons.

"Jason you pick," Percy told his nodding toward the buttons. "And don't pick 600."

Jason shrugged and closed his eyes hitting a button at random. When he opened his eyes he shrugged, "563 it is."

When the door opened Jason was the first one out but Percy quickly pulled him back inside.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Percy Jackson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now