What I Deserve

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I originally wrote a part of this to be part of Key To The Stars but... I fell in love and made a one shot out of it.

Btw. There is swearing and this is oddly long. Like really long. Why? I don't really know.



What I Deserve 

"Did you guys buy presents yet?" Bianca asked walking in the living room of the small house.

"What for?" Ethan asked.

"The birthday party?"

Luke looked up from his book. "Who's birthday?"

Bianca groaned. "Lee? Lee Fletcher. He lives like two house down from us."

"Ohhh," Ethan said. "When is that again?"

"Saturday. Today is Thursday. You need to buy him a gift soon."

"Don't worry."

"I'll um get him a present but I don't think I should go..." Luke said.

"Nope. You're going," Zoë said walking in the house. "I just came from over there and told him that the four of us were coming."

"Do you ever knock or do you just show up?"

"If you come over here I'll knock on your head," Zoë offered. "I'm sure it's hollow enough to make a sound."

Luke rolled his eyes.

"Let's go shopping," Bianca decided. "I feel like you two will only be able to buy him a present if Zoë and I are there to supervise you."

"We're aren't hopeless you know. I can handle myself."

"Sure you can."

"I can," Luke protested.

"And last time you 'handled yourself' there was a war," Zoë pointed out.

"...Shut up..." Luke mumbled and Ethan patted his head.

"Alright let's go shopping."


"Okay Luke I got my gift. Your turn," Ethan said.

"I think I know what I'm going to get," Luke said leading the way through the department store.

Zoë looked at the item Ethan was holding. "I still don't think he'd want a jump rope."

"You don't know what he likes," Ethan defended.

"I don't think you do either."

"You could put a bit more thought into it," Bianca told him. "More thought than 'Hey! That's on sale!'"

"Why aren't you judging Luke's choice in present?" Ethan asked her.

"Because I'm gonna get him a CD. If I could just find the one I'm looking for," Luke said looking through all the CDs. "He is a son of Apollo so- found it!"

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