He's Only Merciless to His Rivals (Part Two)

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To start here's two random funny things that have happened to me this week:


We had an international food day at school, meaning kids from other countries (cause half my school is international) brought food from their country.

I was getting an egg roll and then one teacher (from India) is shoving granola bars on people's plates saying: "Here, American food."


One boy asks (as a joke): If women are equal to men why haven't they oppressed an entire gender?

Me: We did. It's called marriage


Rewrite it All will be a story. I have written a couple chapters and stuff but I won't start posting it until I at least finish one other story.

History Repeats Itself (which still needs a new tittle) is in the same boat.

See Ya Eventually Creeps! Or never cause I have finals this week. Kill me now.



He's Only Merciless to His Rivals (Part Two)

Annabeth was sure this was to be her death. That he would keelhaul her. That the Captain had gone insane and tried to commit suicide but drag her down with him.

She screamed as they went down.

She expected the impact to crush her. That the water pressure would push all air from her lungs.

But none of that happened. 

The water hit but she didn't feel wet. Only slightly cool. She slowly peeled her eyes open.

"Blimey!" She gasped as a fish swam past her face. But- why wasn't she drowning? She soon became aware of the Captain's hand on her arm. He watched her for a moment his anger dissipating slightly. He then slides his hand down her arm to her grabs her hand. Annabeth gives him a look but he doesn't respond to notice as they shoot off through the water.

Annabeth watches as they shoot past schools of fish, heading across the ocean floor.

Annabeth pauses before she takes a risk by asking a question. "How? And where are we going?"

The Captain frowns but doesn't face her. "They call me one of the "Demigods" for a reason."

"I must be loaded to the gunwalls," Annabeth muttered.

The Captain let out a small chuckle at her statement. "Ye aren't to me knowledge. We're chasin' the Ghost King."

"Aye, Captain... but no ship?"

"Needs repair. We need to hurry before the Ghost King moors. The sea is me advantage."


"Can't ye go faster!" Captain Di Angelo shouted down at the boy currently manning the wheel, Leo.

"Going as fast as we can Cap!" He shouted back.

"Faster! Or that blundering picaroon will catch up! The sea is his domain!"

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