Missing You

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Listen to the song. It's by All Time Low and inspired this one.

This is sorta AU were the war took a huge toll on Percy.

Mentions of self harm



Missing You

"Put it down."

Percy froze and looked up to see Nico and Jason standing behind him.

"Go away," he said softly.

"No," Jason said closing the door behind him. Nico bent down next to where Percy sat in the corner of his cabin. Nico's eyes skimmed over the healed scars on the older boy's wrist. One was bleeding but it didn't look deep.

"You can't do this yourself," Nico said as Jason wipes the blood from Percy's arm with a wet cloth. He continued to clean it until it was nicely bandaged. As they did this none of them spoke.

Nico picked up the small razor off the floor with a paper towel and then threw it away. He made a mental note to take out the trash when he left.

"Why Percy?" Nico asks as he and Jason take a seat next to Percy.

Percy ignored the question. "Why are you here? Go away."

"No, we're not leaving you. Look, I get it Percy. If anyone can just know a bit of what you feel it's me... You're probably afraid and unsure. I know I blamed everyone but most of all I blamed myself. With that fatal flaw of yours I'm sure you blame yourself. Even so, you have friends. All you have to do ask... It's-It's kind of ironic hearing this coming from my own mouth..."

Jason picked up from here. "You're not helping yourself by doing this. I know things are... Well look, we've made it this far, yes there were some... casualties-" Percy flinched at the word and Jason faltered looking to Nico to continue.

"You've lived through and lead two wars, Percy," Nico said. "You've made it far. We all have. But this, what you're doing now? This isn't beneficial to anyone. It's time to get you back on your feet."

"I-I..." Percy started looking at them helplessly. Jason and Nico tried not to react at the broken look in the sea green eyes. A tear fell from Percy's eye.

"Life is crazy, tough, it's insane and wild. Times 100 if you're a demigod," Nico said. "But this isn't the answer."

Jason nodded. "What would Annabeth say if she found out this is what you were doing?" Jason knew it was a low blow but he needed Percy to understand.

"She- she would tell me I'm being more of a Seaweed Brain than usual..." Percy said slowly ignoring the tears now freely flowing down his face. "She would tell me that the other campers look up to me and if they found out..."

"You can get back out there Perce," Nico says. "You're Perseus Jackson after all. All you needed is a little push. That's why we are here. To prove we care. I mean if something were to go horribly wrong and you..." Nico gave a small shudder at the thought. "You're only sixteen. You have a whole life left. Would you really want to miss out on all of that?... Not mention who the rest of us would feel. I- we would all miss you..." Nico ignored the small blush on his face and looked down.

Jason nodded and looked Percy in the eye. "Do whatever it is you need to get through this. Grits your teeth. Break something. Curse the world. Punch me, for all I care. But whatever it is... Do it so you can move on."

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