The Real

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Sorry I haven't been on here as much. I may or may not have gotten wrapped up writing yet another original story whoops...

Anyway hope you like the one shot despite how awkward it turned out.



The Real

"Uh babe?"


"Why exactly are you putting me in handcuffs and dragging me toward a cop car?"

"Were you even listening when I read you your rights?"

"I heard but it still doesn't make sense. Cristy you're sixteen. How the hell can you arrest me?"

"My name is Annabeth Chase not Cristy actually," she corrected. "I was just undercover here. And you are under arrest for the possession of illegal substances with intent to sell."

"Whoa! Back up!" He yelled trying to pull away but she gripped his arms tight. "I didn't know about that! We share a locker unfortunately, but I don't go through his stuff!"

"At this moment we don't know which of you it belongs to," Cristy- Annabeth told him putting him the car. "But soon enough we will know. So sit tight and cooperate Percy."

"How? You go from kissing me to arresting me in ten seconds flat!"

Annabeth shrugged. "We weren't dating. It's just a job."

Before Percy could possibly form a sentence she closed the door and walked off and next thing Percy knew he was being driven down to the police station.


Hours upon hours of questioning left Percy drained and frustrated. His head lay on the cold table on his arms. They had taken off his handcuffs a while ago as a part of a "good cop" routine. When he heard the door opened Percy groaned.

"Can I leave now?"

"Not until we make a deal."

Recognizing the voice Percy looked up to see Cristy- Annabeth but she looked a bit different. Her eyes no longer looked green but we're a nice gray color. Her usual leather jacket was gone and she looked more professional, and more serious.

"What kind of deal?" He questioned.

"We now know that the drugs found weren't yours."

"That's what I've been saying!"

"But," she continued. "We can't prove that you didn't know about it. You both shared a locker after all. I still think it's weird in general that you share one-"

"Well it wasn't my choice. The stupid administration screwed up."

Annabeth shrugged. "Well since you can still be charged I'm offering a deal. With this deal your slate will not only be wiped clean but it will also give an opportunity to make money."

Percy sat up straighter. "I'm listening."

Annabeth gave a small chuckle and nodded. "I work for a government agency called the General's Institute for Children or the GIC for short," she started pulling something out her pocket and placing it in front of Percy. A badge. Percy stared at it surprised as she continued. "We train and then go undercover at places like schools and such in order to gain information about a subject. The prime example we give is this: a young guy, let's say somewhere in his twenties, has a high position in a gang. Should we waste our time and try to infiltrate through him and others or should we send someone in to gain the trust of his younger sister who he cares a lot for? Gain access to the sister, and her brother comes with. Make sense?"

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