The Mechanic

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This was my entry for Caution: Heartbreak Ahead. It's steampunk.



The Mechanic

Mechanic: A paid assassin  who "fixes" a problem, i.e., offs someone who has been causing trouble for the person paying the assassin.

With a curse the mechanic threw his jug of reeb across the room and into the wall. He waved the blower off just as she walked into the room.

"What is it?" She asked him.

"The pigs are crackin' down. We need to get outta town."

Her eyes widen in shock as she nodded slowly in understanding. "Where will we go?"

"Not sure just yet. But there are things I have to take care of before we go."

"Do you have to? Wouldn't they just give up. Or will you have to cross them off yourself?"

"Most would give up. But a few wouldn't. But Blue or Scar for example? They work capitol and will do anything to save their own skins. Like throw me to the dogs. Or kill me themselves. And I'm certainly not matched with them in strength."

"They would do anything?"

"Anything. Even kill each other..." He trailed off a sinister smirk on his face. "Now there's an idea..."

"They would never kill one another," she shook her head disagreeing. "They'd do anything for the other."

"Blue never told him. She told him she works as a maid and nanny in the evening. Tending to children in case they wake. When in reality she makes sure people sleep externally," he laughed. "Not to mention Scar hates the Blue he thinks he knows. Blue gave him that scar."

"You seem to have a plan," she smiled.

"I do. I'm crossing off my list."


Blue stared down her scope watching her target. She followed walking along the roof as her target took a turn down the alley, alone. She loaded an arrow and watched the man carefully.

She smirked to herself at how easy this was. And she pulled the trigger. Her arrow cut through the air and lodged itself between the man's shoulder blades.

She smirked to herself as the man fell. She hopped down from her perch and walked toward the man. She wrenched her arrow our of his back and he shouted in pain.

She frowned and drew one of her shivs. Grabbing his head jerking it upward and then running her blade across his throat.

When she was done she hid her shivs in the folds of her dress and wiped her hands on the man's clothes and helped herself to his reader. She pulled her dark blue cloak tighter around herself as she held the bow beneath it and pulled the hood down making sure her face wasn't seen as she turned to walk away. As she exited they alley someone spoke.

She continued down the empty toper as she headed for the tavern, Bunker 9. She headed inside and went staight for the back.

"You're quick," commented a voice. She turned to see, a short Latino  sitting at a work bench, a jug of reeb in his hands.

She nodded and glanced toward the board in the corner. She frowned seeing it was empty. "You know of anymore work for me?"

The mechanic didn't respond as he counted out a couple bills of soft and gave them to her.

"Well?" Blue asked. "You keeping anything for me?"

"It's a high paying job."

A smile crossed Blue's face. "Sounds like just the job for me."

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