Divided (Part 2)

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Remember that thing where Nico accidentally started a war between the Romans and Greeks I wrote a while back? Well it was gonna be a story but I couldn't create a storyline but I did write a couple more chapters (each are a bit short). So here they are. For Day Three.



Divided (Part 2)

Percy wanted nothing more than to punch the kid in the face.

Calm down. He told himself. No more fighting.

Percy kept his head down as he walked through the hall. To the side he could see some kid- bully who's name Percy didn't care to remember and his minions- were picking on another kid. Percy desperately wanted to jump in and punch the other kid but that would mean they would punch back and probably break their hands on his skin.

"Screw it," he finally muttered. He marched right up and before the bully could realize it, Percy swept out his legs, Percy grabbed the kid being bullied and dragged him around the corner to safety. Before the kid could even thank him, Percy had quickly walked to his first class of the day.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Paul asked as soon as his stepson walked in.

"Nothing. Why?"

"You walked in early. Are you feeling okay?"

Percy rolled his eyes taking his seat as Paul laughed.


"Father," Nico said with a bow.

"You were caught," Hades deadpanned from his throne. "Hazel prayed to me."

Nico nodded as he stood.

Hades massaged his temples. "You do know why the two camps are separated right?"

"They fought during the Civil War... It- it didn't end well."

Hades nodded. "The Romans won't take kindly to this. And they now know the location of Camp Half-Blood... Go to Camp. Tell them what has happened. I will go to the council."


Percy walked with his few mortal friends to their regular lunch table. They all chatted about nothing in particular.

Percy suddenly felt something was off. He looked across the room. No else seemed to notice the small boy clad in black lurking in a shadowy corner.

"Something wrong Percy?" Claire asked him.

Percy blinked looking back to his friends. "I think I left something in my locker."

"Your mom's cookies?" Jared asked hopefully. Percy only smiled. He placed his lunch tray down and casually walked to his locker. Her grabbed his backpack and then headed to the locker rooms before sneaking outside.

"You're slow," Nico said simply.

Percy already had his hand on Riptide in his pocket. "Where's the monster?"

Nico shifted awkwardly. "It's more complicated than that... We need to go to camp. Now."

"What's wrong?"

"I'll explain when we get there."

"Can I at least tell Paul?"

"Later." Before Percy could say something else Nico grabbed him pulling him into the shadows.


"But why haven't all of them already been claimed?" Annabeth asked. "They're over thirteen. I know it has only been a few months since the war but others have been claimed."

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